4 Steps to Detoxify Your Kitchen

Your body is not the only thing that needs a good detox once in a while.  When I mention detoxification, you probably think about something your body does to lose weight, support your liver, and generally feel and look better. Strange as it sounds, your kitchen could also use a good detox! Most likely, the food industry holds your kitchen hostage. No doubt your cupboards and pantry are filled with ultra-processed fare. Detoxifying your kitchen allows you to escape these shackles and transform your kitchen to a place of wellness. A healthy kitchen provides the foundation for a healthy you. If you make your kitchen a safe zone, with only foods that nourish rather than harm, then you will automatically make the right choices.  If you fill it with crap, you will eat crap, no matter how much willpower you have. The first step to detoxify your kitchen, then, is not to load it with junk and clear out whatever junk currently is stocking your cupboards. If its not there you won't eat it. It's that simple. If you have to get in your car and drive five miles you probably will skip that donut, cookie or ice cream. You are removing ways that you will unconsciously sabotage yourself. I've created a four-step process to effectively detoxify your kitchen and restock it with healthy foods. Step 1: Set aside an hour to purge your kitchen Schedule it into your planner if you need to. This requires some detective work. Read food labels for added sugar and other junk ingredients that don'...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news