A fetus with an immature umbilical cord teratoma associated with exomphalos: case report and review of the literature
CONCLUSIONS: Umbilical cord teratomas, albeit very rare, should be emphasized as a possible differential diagnosis when abdominal wall defects are detected. Since cord teratomas may lead to adverse fetal or neonatal outcomes, close follow-up of the fetus is recommended.PMID:33817740 | PMC:PMC8112753 | DOI:10.47162/RJME.61.3.37 (Source: Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology)
Source: Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology - April 5, 2021 Category: General Medicine Authors: Andr é Miguel Travessa Susana Santo Rita Lu ís Maria Carvalho Afonso Rui Carvalho Em ília Vitorino Ana Berta Sousa Source Type: research