The Benefits of Christian Faith

DiscussionFor Non-Christians1. In light of what you read about why you might want to enter the faith, have you changed your mind? Why or why not?For Christians1. In your experience with personal evangelism, which, if any, of the reasons presented here have you found to be effective?2. Think of two more benefits to salvation in addition to those discussed in this chapter.For both Christians and Non-Christians1. Of the reasons for wanting to become a Christian, which two do you find personally most appealing or most persuasive? Why?2. Of the reasons for wanting to become a Christian, which two do you find personally least appealing or least persuasive? Why?Activities1. Create a poster titled, “10 Reasons to Meet Jesus” or “Ten Reasons to be Saved,” and list the ten reasons from this chapter. Next, create a handout with a discussion of each reason (feel free to use any of the material from this chapter, but be sure to include a citation).Finally, go public with this. Sit at a table at a mall or somewhere lots of pedestrian traffic goes by. See how many people stop to read, how many continue on to discuss, and so forth. Write a report of your day ’s activity. What did you learn? Was the poster session effective? Did some people get angry? Be sure to read the companion article, "Drawbacks to the Christian Faith."
Source: The Virtual Salt - Category: Neurology Authors: Source Type: blogs