Message to researchers: the characteristic absence of a posterior communicating artery is easily lost in the gerbil
In conclusion, the commercially available MON/Jms/GbsSlc gerbil can easily regain PcomA, and we established a new gerbil strain (MON/Jms/SlcMz) displaying non-PcomA. (Source: Anatomical Science International)
Source: Anatomical Science International - June 27, 2023 Category: Anatomy Source Type: research

Novel combination method of wide-range serial sectioning and 3D reconstruction visualizing both macro-level dynamics and micro-level interactions in an attempt to analyze the female pelvic floor
AbstractThe present report presents details of the method for combining wide-range serial sectioning and 3D reconstruction using an adult cadaver. For several decades, anatomists have utilized a variety of non-destructive three-dimensional (3D) visualization methods to complement gross anatomical analysis methods. These include vascular casting for the visualization of vascular morphology and micro-CT for the visualization of bone morphology. However, these conventional methods are restricted by the properties and sizes of the target structures. Here, we introduce a method to conduct 3D reconstruction based on wide-range s...
Source: Anatomical Science International - June 27, 2023 Category: Anatomy Source Type: research

Pelvic floor and perineal muscles: a dynamic coordination between skeletal and smooth muscles on pelvic floor stabilization
AbstractThe purpose of this review is to present our researches on the pelvic outlet muscles, including the pelvic floor and perineal muscles, which are responsible for urinary function, defecation, sexual function, and core stability, and to discuss the insights into the mechanism of pelvic floor stabilization based on the findings. Our studies are conducted using a combination of macroscopic examination, immunohistological analysis, 3D reconstruction, and imaging. Unlike most previous reports, this article describes not only on skeletal muscle but also on smooth muscle structures in the pelvic floor and perineum to encou...
Source: Anatomical Science International - June 27, 2023 Category: Anatomy Source Type: research

Talus bone: normal anatomy, anatomical variations and clinical correlations
AbstractTalus is a pivotal bone that assists in easy and correct locomotion and transfers body weight from the shin to the foot. Despite its small size, it is implicated in many clinical disorders. Familiarity with the anatomy of the talus and its anatomical variations is essential for the diagnosis of any disorder related to these variations. Furthermore, orthopedic surgeons must be fully aware by this anatomy during podiatry procedures. In this review, we attempt to present its anatomy in a simple, updated and comprehensive manner. We have also added the anatomical variations and some clinical points relevant to the uniq...
Source: Anatomical Science International - June 27, 2023 Category: Anatomy Source Type: research

Correlative microscopy and block-face imaging (CoMBI): a 3D imaging method with wide applicability in the field of biological science
AbstractCorrelative microscopy and block-face imaging (CoMBI) is an imaging method, which is characterized by the ability to obtain both serial block-face images as a 3-dimentional (3D) dataset and sections for 2-dimentional (2D) light microscopic analysis. These 3D and 2D morphological data can be correlated with each other to facilitate data interpretation. CoMBI is an easy-to-install and low-cost 3D imaging method since its system can be assembled by the researcher using a regular microtome, consumer digital camera, and some self-made devices, and its installation and instruction manuals are open-source. After the first...
Source: Anatomical Science International - June 27, 2023 Category: Anatomy Source Type: research

Substantial decrease in SARS-CoV-2 RNA after fixation of cadavers intended for anatomical dissection
AbstractWith the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, a problem arose with classic body donation programmes for obtaining cadavers for anatomical dissections, science and research. The question has emerged whether bodies of individuals who died of COVID-19 or were infected by SARS-CoV-2 could be admitted to Departments of Anatomy. To determine the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission to employees or students, the presence and stability of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in cadavers after fixation agents ’ application and subsequent post-fixation baths over time were examined. The presence of viral RNA in swabs from selected tissues was assessed by...
Source: Anatomical Science International - June 27, 2023 Category: Anatomy Source Type: research

Evaluation of morphological features of palatopharyngeus insertion into the thyroid cartilage
AbstractThe attachment of the palatopharyngeus extended from the posterior end of the thyroid cartilage to the posterior margin of the inferior constrictor attachment that might contribute to successive swallowing movements. Laryngeal elevation is essential for proper swallowing and breathing. Recently, clinical research has demonstrated that the palatopharyngeus, a longitudinal muscle of the pharynx, is involved in the elevation of the larynx. However, the morphological relationship between the larynx and palatopharyngeus remains unclear. In the present study, we analyzed the attachment site and characteristics of the pal...
Source: Anatomical Science International - June 27, 2023 Category: Anatomy Source Type: research

Dissection, digitization, and three-dimensional modelling: a high-fidelity anatomical visualization and imaging technology
AbstractTechnological advances have enabled the development of a novel technique of dissection, digitization and three-dimensional modelling of skeletal muscle and other tissues including neurovascular structures as in situ over the last 25  years. Meticulous serial dissection followed by digitization is used to collect Cartesian coordinate data of the contractile and connective tissue elements throughout the entire muscle volume. The Cartesian coordinate can then be used to construct high-fidelity three-dimensional models that captur e the spatial arrangement of the contractile and connective tissue elements as in situ e...
Source: Anatomical Science International - June 27, 2023 Category: Anatomy Source Type: research

Three-dimensional ultrastructure analysis of organelles in injured motor neuron
AbstractMorphological analysis of organelles is one of the important clues for understanding the cellular conditions and mechanisms occurring in cells. In particular, nanoscale information within crowded intracellular organelles of tissues provide more direct implications when compared to analyses of cells in culture or isolation. However, there are some difficulties in detecting individual shape using light microscopy, including super-resolution microscopy. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), wherein the ultrastructure can be imaged at the membrane level, cannot determine the whole structure, and analyze it quantitati...
Source: Anatomical Science International - June 27, 2023 Category: Anatomy Source Type: research

Whereof one cannot see, thereof one must be silent
(Source: Anatomical Science International)
Source: Anatomical Science International - June 27, 2023 Category: Anatomy Source Type: research

Clinical anatomy of the precuneus and pathogenesis of the schizophrenia
AbstractRecent evidence has shown that the precuneus plays a role in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. The precuneus is a structure of the parietal lobe's medial and posterior cortex, representing a central hub involved in multimodal integration processes. Although neglected for several years, the precuneus is highly complex and crucial for multimodal integration. It has extensive connections with different cerebral areas and is an interface between external stimuli and internal representations. In human evolution, the precuneus has increased in size and complexity, allowing the development of higher cognitive functions, ...
Source: Anatomical Science International - June 20, 2023 Category: Anatomy Source Type: research

Subcellular distribution of membrane lipids revealed by freeze-fracture electron microscopy
AbstractCell membranes are composed of a large variety of lipids and proteins. While the localization and function of membrane proteins have been extensively investigated, the distribution of membrane lipids, especially in the non-cytoplasmic leaflet of organelle membranes, remains largely unknown. Fluorescent biosensors have been widely used to study membrane lipid distribution; however, they have some limitations. By utilizing the quick-freezing and freeze-fracture replica labeling electron microscopy technique, we can uncover the precise distribution of membrane lipids within cells and assess the function of lipid-trans...
Source: Anatomical Science International - June 14, 2023 Category: Anatomy Source Type: research

A comparative analysis of the CP and CG using 2D and 3D visualisation approaches
AbstractInvestigations on the structural variations in the cribriform plate (CP), olfactory foramina and the Crista Galli showcase the benefits of using 3D imaging on smaller structures. These techniques reveal accurate details about bone morphology and density. Comparing different techniques, this project aims to examine the correlation between the CP, olfactory foramina, and Crista Galli. Computed tomography was used to translate and apply the findings acquired from the samples in radiographic studies on CPs for potential clinical significance. The findings show that the surface area measurements were significantly large...
Source: Anatomical Science International - May 26, 2023 Category: Anatomy Source Type: research