Should I Say Adios to Dexcom G7, Hello Abbott Freestyle Libre 2? Maybe.

ConclusionIn the end, I ' m getting sick of Dexcom and its product and being considered a market tied to Dexcom itself. I feel as if the company ' s initial focus on patients has declined, and the company now takes its T1D patients for granted as it pushes for events to drive its share price up, targets the T2D universe to generate more sales. While its retail model has made getting the product to consumers vastly easier for patients, but its basic product has really not improved much. The new G7 model will make some modest changes, along with reducing the number of SKU ' s needed for the company to commercialize the product, which is less of a patient benefit and more about making distribution to retail pharmacies even easier for the company itself. That should theoretically result in lower prices, but because it combines sensor and transmitter functions into a single item, patients can basically count on higher prices. That means Dexcom views patients as little more than a revenue source. Is that really worth a slightly shorter warm-up? That depends on if it fixes the countless problems I ' ve experienced over the past few years with countless " Signal Loss " and calibrations repeatedly being rejected. Sorry, but I trust fingerstick readings much more than I do CGM interstitial fluid correlations. If Dexcom manages to fix those problems, I ' ll be pleased. Still, these things have me seriously considering alternatives to Dexcom. And Abbott ' s Freestyle Libre 2 is one ...
Source: Scott's Web Log - Category: Endocrinology Tags: Abbott CGM CGMS continuous glucose monitor Dexcom Freestyle Libre Source Type: blogs