20 Self Development Books That Can Change Your Life

It’s been quite a while since I wrote a post regarding self development books and it’s something I get asked about on a regular basis. I plan on having a page on the Coach the Life Coach site dedicated to books that can help people become better coaches. Not all will be on Life Coaching per se, in fact most won’t be as I seldom read coaching books these days, but all will be in the vain of understanding what makes us tick, and as such help us understand out own behavior. I’m not going to go into massive detail as that would make the post stupidly long, but I wanted to share with you what I think are 20 of the most relevant books on self development you can buy. Bear in mind I said relevant. ‘Think And Grow Rich’ was a ground breaking paradigm shifting work when it was first published. It’s still worth reading and I’m glad I took the trouble to do so. However, since its publication almost a century ago other books have appeared on the scene with a similar message, but one that is more accessible to modern Society and more likely to resonate with a more discerning public. The books are in one order and one order only, and that’s the order they popped into my head. I realize some people will be horrified I missed of some classics like Flow, The Power of Now and 7 Habits, but that’s what makes posts like this so interesting, they’re complete subjectivity All links are affiliate links to Amazon. Therefore, if you hate the thought of me making 50 cents or...
Source: Life Coach Blog: The Discomfort Zone : - Category: Life Coaches Authors: Tags: Reviews & Previews Source Type: blogs