Evaluation of follow-up strategies for women with epithelial ovarian cancer following completion of primary treatment

CONCLUSIONS: Limited evidence from one trial suggests that routine surveillance with CA125 in asymptomatic women and treatment at CA125-defined relapse does not seem to offer survival advantage when compared to treatment at symptomatic relapse. However, this study pre-dates the use of PARPi maintenance treatment and the increased use of secondary cytoreductive surgery, so the results may be limited in their applicability to current practice. Limited evidence from one trial suggests that individualised nurse-led follow-up may improve HRQOL in women with ovarian cancer following completion of primary treatment. Large RCTs are needed to compare different types of follow-up, looking at survival, HRQOL, psychological effects, and cost as outcomes.PMID:37650760 | PMC:PMC10471005 | DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD006119.pub4
Source: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews - Category: General Medicine Authors: Source Type: research