7 Tips for Supporting Your Partner After a Devastating Loss
It can be hard to know what to say… It can be heartbreaking watching someone you love suffer through a tragic loss. The loss can take many forms — a death in the family, the passing of a beloved pet, a career setback, a miscarriage — but the aftermath is fairly universal. Your loved one grieves. Sometimes they grieve HARD. 25 Quotes To Help You Live Again Even While You’re Grieving And, as their partner, it’s not always intuitive to know what you should be doing in that situation, particularly if the person you love seems to be spiraling down deeper into their despair. You can offer condolences, ...
Source: World of Psychology - January 23, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Authors: Psych Central Staff Tags: Grief and Loss LifeHelper Marriage and Divorce Publishers Relationships YourTango Despair grieve hurt Love Misery mourn Pain Stress Suffer Tom Burns Worry Source Type: blogs

Bozos on the Trump Health Care Bus: An Evidence-Denying Advocate, Former CEO of a Company Which Committed a $1.7 Billion Fraud, and An Internet Troll
Normally, the sorts of people who are responsible for health policy for the US government are not the most flamboyant in the world.  Government advisers and officials show up on theHealth Care Renewal,  an equal-opportunity offender, usually because ofconflicts of interest issues, particularly therevolving door.  But left unsaid is that even those we criticize are usually well-informed, capable and sane.We live, however, in interesting times.  Over the past few days, a number of stories about advisers for the Trump transition have appeared that go beyond the usual.  I will present them in approxima...
Source: Health Care Renewal - January 11, 2017 Category: Health Management Tags: crime deception disinformation Donald Trump FDA fraud generic managers HCA ill-informed management impunity kickbacks Source Type: blogs

Is it Time for Your Flu Shot or Extra Nutrition?
Conclusions Flu vaccinations have caused serious disease and death, including miscarriages, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, and influenza. The influenza vaccine has been reported to be effective zero to 50% of the time. Safer practices exist to build one’s immune system and stay healthy this winter. Some suggestions for avoiding illness include eating nutrient-dense foods, taking vitamins C and D, resting and detoxifying through Epsom salt baths. References: http://articles.mercola.com…flu-vaccination-epa-safety-limit-for-mercury.aspx http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/deadly-truth-about-flu-vaccines… http://healthi...
Source: vactruth.com - January 10, 2017 Category: Allergy & Immunology Authors: Michelle Goldstein Tags: Logical Michelle Goldstein Physical Recent Articles Top Picks flu shot influenza truth about vaccines Vaccine Death Source Type: blogs

Unnecessary blood tests for patients with miscarriages
Recurrent pregnancy losses ( recurrent miscarriages) are one of reproductive medicine's most frustrating problems.Lots of doctors order a panel of expensive blood tests to find out the reason for the miscarriages, so they can treat it.However, the ABIM Foundation has shown that these tests are useless.Read more athttp://consumerhealthchoices.org/catalog/blood-tests-miscarriage-risk-smfm/Read more athttp://www.drmalpani.com/knowledge-center/articles/recurrentabortionNeed help ? Please send me your medical details by filling in the form atwww.drmalpani.com/free-second-opinion so that I can guide you ! (Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog)
Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog - December 25, 2016 Category: Reproduction Medicine Source Type: blogs

The loss of a pregnancy is never taken lightly
Voluntary termination of pregnancy. Voluntary interruption of pregnancy. These are the medical terms for what the layperson thinks of as an abortion. Missed abortion. Threatened abortion. Incomplete abortion. Spontaneous abortion. Septic abortion. Inevitable abortion. These are medical terms for the failure of a pregnancy. All these medical terms are just that: medical terms. Nomenclature to differentiate biological processes, so as doctors, we can clearly communicate what is happening with our patients. However, in the mainstream, these terms are laced with judgment, bias, morals, ethics, and misinterpretation. I find it ...
Source: Kevin, M.D. - Medical Weblog - December 19, 2016 Category: Journals (General) Authors: < a href="http://www.kevinmd.com/blog/post-author/andrea-eisenberg" rel="tag" > Andrea Eisenberg, MD < /a > Tags: Physician OB/GYN Source Type: blogs

'pointless' ivf treatments that can waste thousands
'POINTLESS' TREATMENTS THAT CAN COST THOUSANDSEndometrial scratch (up to £350)Scratching the womb is said to release hormones that make it more adhesive, but studies found it does not help women with fewer than two failed implants.Assisted hatching ( £615)May help repeatedly unsuccessful couples by softening the embryo ’s outer shell so it can ‘hatch’ more easily, but no evidence this works for older women.Time-lapse monitoring ( £775)Camera shows up abnormalities by taking pictures as embryos develop, but no good quality evidence for routine use.Embryo glue ( £320)Chemical with added hyaluronic acid developed to...
Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog - November 29, 2016 Category: Reproduction Medicine Source Type: blogs

The dreaded D word for the older infertile woman.
Most women know that their fertility declines as they get older because they run out of eggs. It's true that life is unfair - while men continue producing sperm all their life,  women are born with whatever eggs they're ever going to have, which means they never produce any new eggs after birth.Sometimes women find this confusing, because don't they produce an egg every month? Isn't that called ovulation? The truth is that the egg which you ovulate every month was actually manufactured when you were a baby fetus in your mother's womb. This egg is  recruited after years of dormancy , and it matures and is released...
Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog - November 12, 2016 Category: Reproduction Medicine Source Type: blogs

How IVF clinics take patients for a ride
It breaks my heart when I see how IVF clinics cheat their patients.  Patients do IVF treatment with a lot of expectations .  However, because patients are not well informed , it's very easy for unscrupulous IVF doctors to fool them.Many clinics paint a rosy picture to attract patients. At the time of the first consultation, the “brand name doctor” is very sweet and obliging. When they are trying to “sell” their services to the patient, they inflate their success rates,  and talk about pregnancy rates of “ between 40% to 50% “ . They have no actual proof of this – and without independent auditin...
Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog - November 10, 2016 Category: Reproduction Medicine Source Type: blogs

My IVF experience at Malpani Clinic
I never faced any major disappointments in my life, be it my family, friends, education or career, the first time i experienced one was in the form of miscarriage of an early pregnancy immediately after marriage and then never conceiving naturally  for several  years thereafter . It was emotionally very draining to accept that life can be so harsh on you. There is always an expectation that since i conceived  once, it may happen once again naturally. But all the efforts went without any positive results .I started thinking of medical options, initially i did not understand the significance of choice of docto...
Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog - November 8, 2016 Category: Reproduction Medicine Source Type: blogs

Why did this IVF patient receive such poor quality care ?
I received this email from a patient.Greetings!! I am a regular follower of your blogs and appreciate the importance you give to availability of free information to your patients. I want advice from you regarding my failed IVF cycle here in Delhi,I am 34 years old and went through my third IVF cycle in a renowned Delhi clinic. My second IVF cycle which happened earlier this year was a success (transferred 2 AA embryos on day two), however, it ended in a miscarriage at 7 weeks due to detection of no heart beat.I underwent my third IVF cycle recently and was given the prognosis of poor ovarian reserve. My AFC on day two ...
Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog - November 6, 2016 Category: Reproduction Medicine Source Type: blogs

Why we should recognize social infertility: the exclusion of lesbian and gay couples and single individuals from definitions of infertility
The diagnosis of infertility is an anomaly among medical conditions because it requires two people, whereas almost all other medical conditions require just one person. For instance, if I break my leg, my diagnosis and treatment does not include or depend upon anyone else within my web of relationships. In contrast, when physicians are assessing a patient for infertility, they inquire about the person’s presumed heterosexual partner. This is because the majority of medical definitions of infertility rely upon heterosexual activity as a prerequisite to determine if an individual is infertile. For example, the World He...
Source: blog.bioethics.net - November 3, 2016 Category: Medical Ethics Authors: Bioethics Today Tags: Health Care Reproductive Medicine assisted reproduction Discrimination Fertility LGBTQ Sex and Sexuality syndicated Source Type: blogs

Why PGS does not work as advertised - the difference between genes and chromosomes
Lots of patients know that the commonest cause for IVF failure is a failure of the embryo to implant. We also know that the commonest reason for implantation failure is a genetic defect in the embryo. This is why it seems very tempting to do pre-implantation genetic screening ( PGS) for all IVF patients, so that you can select the genetically normal embryos . This should increase the chances of implantation and reduce IVF failure. After all, what's the point of transferring a genetically abnormal embryo back into the uterus ? It will just fail to implant, or even worse , end up in a miscarriage.This makes logical sense, bu...
Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog - September 15, 2016 Category: Reproduction Medicine Source Type: blogs

What happens to the embryos when they don't implant ?
Lots of IVF patients wonder what happens to their embryos when their IVF cycle fails. Some treat the failure as a miscarriage because they confuse an embryo with a fetus.Please remember that an embryo is a microscopic ball of cells. It forms a fetus only after 6 weeks.If the embryo does not implant, it stops growing, because it is not able to establish a blood supply from the uterine lining.The cells dies, and are silently reabsorbed. Cells die in the body all the time, and the body reabsorbs these quietly and efficiently. There are no external symptoms or signs of the death of an embryo.Some women get a heavy period after...
Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog - September 5, 2016 Category: Reproduction Medicine Source Type: blogs

Just like Atkins ’ . . . only better
This question comes up with some regularity: Is the Wheat Belly lifestyle like the Atkins’ diet? Is Wheat Belly just another name for a low-carb diet? There are indeed some important areas of overlap. The Wheat Belly lifestyle, for instance, adheres to the concept that carbohydrates, not fats, are responsible for destructive health effects and weight gain. We also need to give Dr. Robert Atkins and his low-carb predecessors great credit for voicing their opinions during an age when low-carb was an heretical, against-the-mainstream concept, given the antics of Dr. Ancel Keys, Dr. Henry Blackburn, the US Department of ...
Source: Wheat Belly Blog - August 19, 2016 Category: Cardiology Authors: Dr. Davis Tags: Wheat Belly Lifestyle atkins blood sugar diabetes gluten grains Inflammation low-carb low-fat Weight Loss Source Type: blogs

PGS for recurrent pregnancy loss: forget it! Human Reproduction journal article
The latest issue of Human Reproduction, the world's most reputed journal on assisted reproductive technology, has an article by Dr Gayathree Murugappan and colleagues from Stanford and Seattle , which shows that preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) does not improve live birth rates as compared to expectant management ( = do nothing) in patients with recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). Not only does  PGS not improve their chances of conceiving, it also does not help them to conceive any quicker. For these patients, masterly inactivity ( = reassurance) is the best option.However, as the authors point out, " counseli...
Source: Dr.Malpani's Blog - August 18, 2016 Category: Reproduction Medicine Source Type: blogs