Spaghetti Bolognese, kind of...
As a non insulin taking diabetic, pasta is one of those things I have a love/hate relationship with. As someone who tries to eat mostly primal/Paleo, pasta is almost like a cuss word. I manage the cravings well for the most part, but every now and then...every now and then...I break down and eat pasta. My blood sugar rockets through the roof and I feel awful. Swearing I won't eat it again, but knowing I will. Oh the life of the wishfully pious. The times I am a Paleo rock star, I eat meat sauce with zucchini pasta. Yes, zucchini pasta. It tastes just like real pasta, said nobody ever, but it does the trick and I always fee...
Source: the beautiful diabetic - February 11, 2013 Category: Diabetes Authors: Kathryn Source Type: blogs

Yummy Swedish Meatballs Recipe
(next time I'll take a picture and add the image. Sorry no picture. Just trust me. Cook this and you'll love it!) OMG! You will love these Swedish Meatballs. Never made these before until today and they are so good. This recipe can be converted to vegetarian by substituting Veggie “meatballs” and cream of mushroom soup instead of beef gravy. Please enjoy and let me know how you liked it! Swedish Meatballs – YUM!! Ingredients 8 oz Baby Portobello’s chopped thick 1 pkg Dried Shitake – reconstituted 1 pkg Dried Chanterelles –reconstituted Mushroom “Broth” from reconstituting the dried mushrooms Bunch...
Source: Life Learning Today - January 28, 2013 Category: Consumer Health News Authors: AgentSully Tags: Recipes Meatballs Swedish Swedish Meatballs Swedish Meatballs recipe Source Type: blogs

Flu prevention tips
Flu can kill—arm your immune system against it! I’m exposed to sick patients all day long. With this year’s flu epidemic, I’m exposed to even more sick patients than usual. Some of them ask me, “Doc, aren’t you sick yet?  Did you get flu this year?  Did you get vaccinated?” Yes, the flu season this year is bad. In Boston, at least 18 patients died recently and they declared a medical emergency. New York has also declared an emergency. But you don’t have to be one of the statistics. I’m living proof that flu can be prevented In my practice, one patient ended up in the hospital, and countless others are...
Source: Doctor Kalitenko antiaging blog - January 24, 2013 Category: Physicians With Health Advice Authors: admin Source Type: blogs

Eating A Whole Bunch of Random Compounds
Reader Andy Breuninger, from completely outside the biopharma business, sends along what I think is an interesting question, and one that bears on a number of issues: A question has been bugging me that I hope you might answer. My understanding is that a lot of your work comes down to taking a seed molecule and exploring a range of derived molecules using various metrics and tests to estimate how likely they are to be useful drugs. My question is this: if you took a normal seed molecule and a standard set of modifications, generated a set of derived molecules at random, and ate a reasonable dose of each, what would happ...
Source: In the Pipeline - January 23, 2013 Category: Chemists Tags: Drug Assays Source Type: blogs

‘Only A Tenner.’ David’s Journey Into Exclusion. #Poverty #Unemployment #mh
This short piece follows a conversation with a chap I met on a bus. I hope I have represented David’s feelings and words correctly in this semi-fictional story of his journey into exclusion from the world of Dine for 2 for a £10. (All details of benefits, work experience and final thoughts, are in Davids own words, and reproduced with his permission) “And it was busy, absolutely packed even. A tangle of shopping trolleys their distracted drivers intent. They tutted, sighed and grabbed at shiny packets and colourful boxes, and I just had to know, even if that knowledge would leave me desolate, so I ventured in....
Source: Dawn Willis sharing the News and Views of the Mentally Wealthy - January 14, 2013 Category: Mental Illness Authors: Dawn Willis Tags: *Special Guest Writers* Source Type: blogs

In the two days I've had off since the holidays. . .
. . .I've gotten into an Ancient Cookbook Frenzy.One thing I can say for people in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries: they had one hell of a collective sweet tooth. Make a pie of artichoke bottoms? Strew it with sugar before you serve it to table. Boil a calve's chaldron (which I just found out is entrails) and spice it with mace and nutmeg and cinnamon? Sprinkle a little sugar over that mofo before you serve it up in a pasty. Roast a rooster? Sugar. Making a nice (meaning exacting) recipe for biskit? Sugar. Sheep's feet? Sugar.When a recipe starts with "Take a pound of sugar, seirced, and lay it onto four pounds of ...
Source: Head Nurse - January 5, 2013 Category: Nurses Authors: Jo Source Type: blogs

5 Habits Worth “Giving Up” This Year
For many people, New Years Resolutions are set so they “make up” for all the “bad stuff” over the holidays. Usually the resolutions involve unrealistic and irrational goals and whole categories of foods they are going to “give up”, but that backfires because you can’t do those things forever. Not only that, but some of the goals don’t even make sense because they set you up to sabotage your best intentions — like skipping breakfast — not a good idea. Earlier this week I was on Let’s Talk Live sharing some ideas for habits you really can “give up” to trim up the holiday excess and ...
Source: Balanced Health and Nutrition Rebecca Scritchfield's Blog - January 3, 2013 Category: Nutritionists and Food Scientists Authors: rebeccascritchfield Tags: eating healthy food nutrition recipes vegetables belVita biscuits Pirates Booty resolutions smoothies Source Type: blogs

Stem Cell Research and Crohn’s
This study (by Celgene) is very similar to a previous study that was performed by Osiris a few years ago. I wanted to participate in the Osiris study, but we had just moved back to the states and I was starting a new job. Besides, I just had a colonoscopy — and they were going to make me repeat it. But now that I’m due for another colonoscopy, my career is basically in limbo, and I’m scared to try Cimzia, I’m ready to try this. The trial studies the effects of PDA001 on the immune system and how this affects Crohn’s disease. Adult Stem cells can be harvested from many different places, such as the bone ma...
Source: Life with Crohn's - September 2, 2011 Category: Other Conditions Authors: Kelly R Tags: Crohn's disease Crohn's blog Crohn's disease medicine Crohn's disease treatment Crohn's disease1 Crohn's doctor Crohn's research God medication Source Type: blogs

Weight loss for the new you
WEIGHT LOSS FOR THE NEW YOUOver 50% of Americans are overweight.  Are you one of them? To begin the Battle of the Bulge, you must locate your enemy before your battle can begin.You may crave food at all times of the day, except at meal times. You may be just eating because it’s something to do,  and eating helps you  forget about your worries and anxieties.  At dinner and lunch you eat sensibly in front of others, but when alone, wow do you pig out.Most of us spend very little  time eating our meals, are always hurried. The body does not have enough time to adjust the feeling of fullnes...
Source: Dr. Needles Medical Blogs - September 27, 2010 Category: Physicians With Health Advice Tags: WEIGHT LOSS FOR THE NEW YOU Source Type: blogs