Why Don't I Hate Walter White?

I'm back from vacation and Shrink Rap resumes, even in the face of the continuing federal shutdown. Note that over on Clinical Psychiatry News, ClinkShrink wrote about "Trauma Informed Care" and how it has traumatized her,  and I have an article on "Antipsychotic medications and The Psychiatrist's Dilemma." So, I surfed over to Psycritic to read about all that is right with Breaking Bad in A Psychiatrist's Favorite Breaking Bad Moments.  Like Psycritic, I too am a Breaking Bad addict -- come to it late, then caught up in real time.  Maybe it's that we made popcorn during the episodes for a while, but the ritual of sitting down every night to popcorn, and Walt and Jesse, was pretty pleasant for a while there.   Warning: Spoilers here.   So why don't I hate Walter White?  The man is evil -- he fills the world with 96% pure methamphetamine, he shoots people, and he arranges for the deaths of children (I mean really, how purely evil can you get?), and yet still, I was sucked in.  Maybe it's the premise; the poor guy has lung cancer and his health insurance doesn't pay for his cancer treatment. Really? He's a high school chemistry teacher, his health insurance doesn't pay for cancer treatments?  Deemed "experimental," I believe was the problem. Okay, I'll move beyond that hurdle.  So he's a poor family man who teaches school, has a teenage son with cerebral palsy,  and has a pregnant wife, and then he gets diagnosed wi...
Source: Shrink Rap - Category: Psychiatrists and Psychologists Authors: Source Type: blogs