A World Seeking Truth: Why Today is so Tumultuous & What You Can Do

Photo Credit: vineyardcolors.com This is a tumultuous time in history, where the entire world is searching for real Truth. People are sick of the half truths, twisted truths and outright lies by authorities we are supposed to trust, that are supposed to be looking out for our best interest. From govt officials, to gov’t agencies, to big pharma, to the chemical and petroleum industries, to the medical industry, to our cultural messages about what success is, to even our history lessons, heck even science….and so much more. For too long many in these areas have to some degree or another: – hidden truth -twisted truth -mislead -lied Examples: GOVERNMENT and government agencies are so infected by corporate money that policies are not made in the best interest “the people” – think deregulation of chemicals, the approvals of chemicals, the poisoning of water supplies…. MEDICINE & BIG PHARMA  (yes some medicines help people) but the majority of people’s ailments could be completely fixed with diet and lifestyle changes. I understand some people don’t want to change. That’s fine. But, the “Standard of Care” should also include diet, nutrition, supplementation, and alternative therapies all of which have their own scientific basis in efficacy. Currently a doctor can ONLY recommend the Standard of Care without risk of losing their license. And then there is the dishonesty in pharma drug research, taking...
Source: Life Learning Today - Category: Consumer Health News Authors: Tags: Featured Ideas Spiritual Success seeking truth tumultuous world Source Type: blogs