Top Ways To Stay Jacked And Still Enjoy The Summer
Photo courtesy of Generation Iron. Stay lean in the summer. Summer's here! The beaches, the pools, the BBQs, the vacations, the road trips, and all the other fun stuff summer has to offer. We didn't work hard all winter and spring to throw our physiques away in the summer, right? We don't have to! With planning ahead and making wise decisions you can still keep those six-pack abs popping; and bodies hard as long as you follow a few suggestions and guidelines. Keep fitness exciting! Don't let working out get in the way of summer activities and outdoors fun. Find ways to keep things interesting. Skip the treadmill a...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - June 13, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

What Your Favorite Exercise Teachers Eat Every Day
After a tough exercise class, many people find themselves crawling toward the nearest source of food and hoovering up anything in sight. But imagine doing that exhausting exercise class two, three or four more times in one day. That’s what your favorite teachers and trainers do to help keep you motivated. Not only do they have to show you proper moves, but they also sweat (and even suffer) alongside you to inspire you to give it everything you’ve got, just like they do. Of course, it takes a lot of food to fuel all of that activity. HuffPost Lifestyle asked master trainers from five major gyms and boutique exer...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - May 20, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

What Your Favorite Exercise Teachers Eat Every Day
After a tough exercise class, many people find themselves crawling toward the nearest source of food and hoovering up anything in sight. But imagine doing that exhausting exercise class two, three or four more times in one day. That’s what your favorite teachers and trainers do to help keep you motivated. Not only do they have to show you proper moves, but they also sweat (and even suffer) alongside you to inspire you to give it everything you’ve got, just like they do. Of course, it takes a lot of food to fuel all of that activity. HuffPost Lifestyle asked master trainers from five major gyms and boutique exer...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - May 20, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

5 Steps for the Perfect Smoothie for Weight Loss
There are so many reasons to start drinking smoothies, especially for breakfast, lunch, or a snack. Here are five of them: We all know we need to eat more fruits and vegetables, and get more antioxidants, vitamins, and healthy fats into our diet. A good smoothie has all of that. Smoothies are great for busy people -- especially people who don't like to cook -- because they're fast! At the same time, making smoothies can help you connect with your kitchen. Smoothies introduce you to the grocery store's produce aisle, and all its possibilities. You know every single ingredient that's in a smoothie you make yourself (unl...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - May 9, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Do Probiotic Products Live Up to Their Promises?
By: Amy Gorin A daily dose of good bacteria can boost your health, but not all foods containing probiotics are created equal. Find out which are the best to add to your diet. You've probably heard the term "probiotics" thrown around in your doctor's office or grocery store, especially regarding some staple foods in your kitchen, including yogurt, kefir, and kimchi. You might've also caught wind that probiotics are living microorganisms (including common bacterial strains like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium as well as yeast), but not the scary kind that make you sick. It's the opposite: Probiotics support proper body f...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - May 7, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

A Nutritionist's Guide to Stocking a Healthy Kitchen
It's no secret that preparing our own meals makes it easier to stick to a healthy-eating plan. You know the ingredients going into your food, and there's no sneaky extra sodium, sugar or calorie bombs hiding in home-cooked meals. That being said, it can also be time consuming to make everything at home, not to mention the time it takes to go to the grocery store if all the elements aren't already in your kitchen. One way to make it a little easier is to ensure that your kitchen is always stocked with what you need -- ingredients that are satisfying to your taste buds and easy to prepare, whether you are enjoying a relaxing...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - April 27, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Experts Say This Diet Could Help You Lose Weight And Get More Sleep
You might already know that good shut-eye plays a key role in dropping unwanted pounds. Research has consistently connected a lack of sleep to weight gain and, conversely, research shows that good sleep typically helps weight loss.  But a new study flips this connection on its head, finding that if you're trying to lose weight through diet, a high-protein eating plan might stand above the rest because it actually improves the quality of your sleep. "Our research suggests that what you eat while losing weight can influence whether or not sleep improves," said the study’s author, Wayne W. Campb...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - April 1, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

Experts Say This Diet Could Help You Lose Weight And Get More Sleep
You might already know that good shut-eye plays a key role in dropping unwanted pounds. Research has consistently connected a lack of sleep to weight gain and, conversely, research shows that good sleep typically helps weight loss.  But a new study flips this connection on its head, finding that if you're trying to lose weight through diet, a high-protein eating plan might stand above the rest because it actually improves the quality of your sleep. "Our research suggests that what you eat while losing weight can influence whether or not sleep improves," said the study’s author, Wayne W. Campb...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - April 1, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Experts Say This Diet Could Help You Lose Weight And Get More Sleep
You might already know that good shut-eye plays a key role in dropping unwanted pounds. Research has consistently connected a lack of sleep to weight gain and, conversely, research shows that good sleep typically helps weight loss.  But a new study flips this connection on its head, finding that if you're trying to lose weight through diet, a high-protein eating plan might stand above the rest because it actually improves the quality of your sleep. "Our research suggests that what you eat while losing weight can influence whether or not sleep improves," said the study’s author, Wayne W. Campb...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - April 1, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

Protein Series Part III: What Kind?
Does Protein Quality Make a Difference? Ask a health consultant if synthetic vitamins are just as good as natural, food-based versions. You might hear that the food industry and government are conspiring to poison us. Synthetic versions work, but research shows some natural sources do indeed work better. Why? Phytonutrients and other synergistic agents found in food sources often add absorbability and functional value. Evolution can be crafty like that in the kitchen. The concepts of bioavailability and interaction are foundational throughout biology -- there is an optimal recipe and context for every life process. That d...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - March 31, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Protein Series Part II: Strategic Timing
Conclusions often state there isn't much difference as long as total intake reaches a specific threshold. However, that doesn't necessarily show the best method(s) for performance, growth, recovery, or even weight-loss goals. And, by Knockout, It's... Metabolic Contextualism? Don't steal that term -- I'm going to create a philosophy or religion around it, right next to Absurdism or Existentialism. Studies show that even 10 grams of protein is sufficient to create an anabolic upturn in potential recovery, but 20 to 40 grams of protein maximizes this threshold. Counter opinions are largely contextual. If I just crushed 600...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - March 17, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Teen Anti-GMO Crusader Rachel Parent: Idealist Or Pawn Of Father's Supplement Business?
This story is co-authored with David Warmflash, physician and science writer. Imagine. You come home after a hard day at school. You're hungry, so you reach for a bag of delicious corn chips. You don't know what's in there because there's no label, so you eat it... OMG, there's GMOs in it! You didn't know! You might be harmed! That's why we need food labeling, to protect innocent children being targeted by evil corporations! It all boils down to one pitch line: "You have a right to know what's in your food." That's the gist of anti-GMO campaigner Rachel Parent's stump speech, delivered at schools and on television prog...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - March 17, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

21-Day Challenge
My husband, daughter, and I are embarking on a 21-Day Challenge to eat cleanly. My daughter has tried it before -- for my husband and me, this is all new, but we consented to give it a try, all in the name of family harmony. Given my recent podcast with Michael Farrington on nutrition for junior tennis players, I thought I would expand on that theme and share some recipes and menu ideas that you can adapt to suit your family's needs. At the beginning of January, Emma returned to Atlanta for a 3-month stint, testing the local acting waters. She has been living in the Los Angeles area since leaving for college back in 200...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - February 23, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

8 Things In Your Home Secretly Making You Late
Every morning, you swear that this is the day you won't be a hurried and harried mess out the door. You go to sleep extra early; you set 15 different alarms on your phone; you've even scheduled the automatic timer on your coffee machine. But no matter how hard you try, you still find yourself dashing for the front door or cursing traffic all because you're running late. Again. Well, we have some good news: It's not you, it's your house. Below, the 9 things at home that are secretly making you late. 1. Your alarm clock sucks.  It's time to upgrade your wake-up system. Swap your phone's built-in alarm (which you've...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - February 1, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

I've Stuck to My Plant-Based Diet for Seven Years By Doing These Seven Things
For seven years I've eaten primarily plants. Now, sticking to ANY healthy habit for seven years is a major accomplishment (heck, sticking to any healthy habit for seven days, or even seven HOURS can be a major accomplishment!), but sticking to a healthy habit that's centered around food is not always a piece of dairy-free, gluten-free cake. Because of temptations! And inconveniences! And dang ice cream cravings. But it's true, I've eaten almost exclusively fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds without meat or dairy for over half a half-decade and I haven't become a "health nut hermit," a total social outcast, a pain-in-the-butt ...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - December 15, 2015 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news