Mitochondrial protein-associated neurodegeneration (MPAN): MRI
T2/FLAIR hypointensity in the region of globus pallidus& substansia nigra. These findings may suspicious for neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation particularly mitochondrial protein-associated neurodegeneration (MPAN). This recently described form of NBIA features hypointensity of the globus pallidus and substantia nigra, with relative preservation of the remainder of the cortex, cerebellum and brainstem. Clinical findings include generalized dystonia, with a prominent orobuccolingual component. Famous Radiology Blog TeleRad Providers at Mail...
Source: Sumer's Radiology Site - June 22, 2017 Category: Radiology Authors: Sumer Sethi Source Type: blogs

Vercise Gevia Deep Brain Stimulation System with Visual Brain Targeting Software Cleared in Europe
Boston Scientific won the CE Mark of approval, allowing for the introduction of the Vercise Gevia Deep Brain Stimulation System in Europe. The Vercise Gevia is indicated for patients with movement disorders such as Parkinson’s, dystonia, and essential tremor, helping to calm down involuntary muscle activity that creates serious quality of life issues. One of the main selling points of the system is the Vercise Neural Navigator 2 with STIMVIEW Technology, a software package that helps to program the implant by providing a visualization of how the stimulation will affect the brain. The size, shape, and direction of the...
Source: Medgadget - June 8, 2017 Category: Medical Devices Authors: Editors Tags: Neurology Neurosurgery Source Type: blogs

Neurodegeneration with Brain Iron Accumulation (NBIA): MRI
Discussion by Dr MGK Murthy, Dr A Satish& Dr GA prasad Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (NBIA) -NBIA disorders have typically symmetrical accumulation of Iron in parts of grey matter which normally are rich in Iron content , i. e. Basal ganglia (Globi pallidi /Putamen) / Thalamus / Midbrain (Substantia nigra / Red nuclei) cerebellum (Dentate nuclei) with each of the appx 10 varieties demonstrating relatively unique pattern , Permitting imaging classificationThis group of inherited neurologic disorders in which iron accumulates in the ba...
Source: Sumer's Radiology Site - March 31, 2017 Category: Radiology Authors: Sumer Sethi Source Type: blogs

Botulinum Toxin Guidelines Overhauled | Medpage Today
VANCOUVER -- Guidelines for the use of botulinum toxin in various neurological disorders are getting an update, with the best evidence supporting the use of some formulations in spasticity and chronic migraine, researchers reported here. All three botulinum toxin type A formulations are supported by level A evidence for use in upper limb spasticity, and onabotulinumtoxinA (Botox) received a level A recommendation in chronic migraine, although the magnitude of the benefit is small, according to David Simpson, MD, of Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, and colleagues. The new guidance, which is the first s...
Source: Psychology of Pain - April 19, 2016 Category: Anesthesiology Source Type: blogs

Infant Paralyzed and Brain-Damaged After 6-Month Vaccinations, Doctors Threatened Parents to Further Vaccinate Their Daughter
Conclusion There are many legitimate reasons why parents don’t want their child subjected to what is in any vaccine. We are outraged at the disregard for Cerenity’s life and what her family is going through. In a situation such as what happened to Cerenity, it is absurd doctors would blatantly ignore Cerenity’s vaccine reactions and tell her parents to continue vaccinating her. We hope Cerenity will get the necessary treatment to heal from these vaccine-related injuries. If you have experienced a similar situation and have helpful advice to offer, please reach out to VacTruth, to get in touch with Cerenity’s mother...
Source: - April 2, 2016 Category: Allergy & Immunology Authors: Augustina Ursino Tags: Augustina Ursino Human Top Stories adverse reactions Cerenity Escamilla chiari malformation hypertonic dystonia infant paralysis transverse myelitis truth about vaccines vaccine injury Source Type: blogs

Healthcare Update Satellite — 04-26-2015
This article questions whether Obamacare is to blame. Good way to save money. Veterans Affairs just keeps denying claims until the veterans die. Then they mark the files as “no action necessary” so that the surviving family members don’t get benefits, either. Records falsified, employee whistleblowers being retaliated against, management lying to Congress, oh, and a supervisor who required staff members to pay $30 for fortune telling by the supervisor’s wife. If you think things are expensive now, wait to see how much they cost when they’re free. Another example of the Golden Rule. EnglandR...
Source: WhiteCoat's Call Room - April 27, 2015 Category: Emergency Medicine Authors: WhiteCoat Tags: Healthcare Update Source Type: blogs

A domperidone dilemma: A patient’s perspective on ordering from Canada
Three years ago I received some of the best news of my life — that I have dopa-responsive dystonia. (Yes, a neuromuscular disorder was welcome news.) Painful, life-interrupting muscle contractions had made the dystonia diagnosis likely several years before, despite poor response to standard treatments, and I was fighting through graduate school: trying to compensate for medication-induced memory problems, increasing need to work from bed, and a disappearing social life. A visit to Mayo ended with the correct suggestion that I might respond to levodopa. In fact, I am among a small, perhaps 3 percent, group of dystonia...
Source: Kevin, M.D. - Medical Weblog - March 5, 2015 Category: Journals (General) Authors: Tags: Meds Medications Neurology Source Type: blogs

Machado Joseph disease
var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); aka MJD, spinocerebellar ataxia type 3features adult onset, autosomal dominantUMN and LMN signs resembling ALS may include tongue fasciculations, dystonia, rigidity, progressive external opthalmoplegia, and peripheral neuropathy.Due to CAG triplicate repeat on chromosome 14q32.1Cramping is far more common than in PN or SMA but not ALS and is relieved almost completely by mexilitene, supporting notion that is...
Source: neurologyminutiae - October 9, 2014 Category: Neurologists Source Type: blogs

Parkinsonism in cirrhotics
var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); Burkhard PR et al. Arch Neurol 2003;60:521-528 Authors studied cirrhotics prospectively and found a unique Parkinsonian syndrome in 20 %.  Among 51 consecutive patients evaluated for liver transplant, 11 had Parkinsonism esp. stereotypical onset with generalized bradykinesia, dysarthira, postural instability, and prominent ACTION tremor.  Six had dystonia especially of face or feet. ...
Source: neurologyminutiae - October 9, 2014 Category: Neurologists Source Type: blogs

Vaccine Injury Stories: the Sacred Cows of the Internet?
When I first started looking into vaccines, I had no idea that an anti-vaccine movement even existed. I came across claims that the vaccines were toxic and dangerous; the diseases, it was claimed, were not. I have some background in science, so I was able to dismiss those claims as inaccurate, but I couldn’t help but be drawn in by tragic, angry and deeply personal stories from parents who claimed their children were harmed by vaccines. I dared not question them, but I still couldn’t understand… If vaccine injuries were occurring on a scale like this, why wasn’t anybody doing anything about  it?  And why wasn’t...
Source: Disruptive Women in Health Care - September 19, 2014 Category: Consumer Health News Authors: dw at Tags: Access Advocacy Publc Health Source Type: blogs

Cases: Second-Line Anti-emetic Therapies for Refractory Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting (CINV)
Discussion:Nausea and vomiting (NV) are commonly reported side effects with chemotherapy.1 The primary pathway for NV involves the chemotherapy drugs directly stimulating the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ), in the area postrema at the base of the fourth ventricle. Activated receptors in the CTZ transmit signals to the vomiting center in the brainstem to produce NV. Receptors in the CTZ include serotonergic receptor 5-hydroxytryptamine type 3 (5-HT3), dopaminergic (D2) and neurokinin type 1 (NK-1) receptors. In addition, chemotherapy can damage GI mucosa causing local release of 5-HT3 neurotransmitters by gut enteroch...
Source: Pallimed: A Hospice and Palliative Medicine Blog - August 25, 2014 Category: Palliative Carer Workers Authors: Christian Sinclair Source Type: blogs

Podcast: Botox Injections for Medical Conditions
In this episode of the Sarasota Neurology Podcast, Dr. Kassicieh, a recognized expert  in clinical Botox, provides an overview of  current techniques for treating dystonia, muscle spasm (which may be associated with pain), spasticity from stroke or brain injury with Botox. Share url : embed : × ...
Source: Sarasota Neurology - August 20, 2014 Category: Neurologists Authors: Dan Kassicieh, D.O. Tags: Botox Movement Disorders Pain Podcast Stroke Botox injections cerebral clinical dystonia FDA headaches migraine spasm spinal cord Source Type: blogs

A brief list of fibromylagia symptoms
[Note I did not write this list. It was on Facebook shared by Creaky Joints. But I find it to be very true.]I have highlighted the ones that I experience regularly. So if you ever wonder how my day is going, just think about this list. PAIN- in the muscle: often described as aching, burning, throbbing, gnawing, shooting, tingling. Almost always exacerbated by exercise and may or may not be present at rest. Can be migratory and differing from day to day.FATIGUE- From feeling tired to exhausted and requiring rest periods during the day.SLEEP DISTURBANCE- not being able to fall asleep and or able to stay asleep. Unrefreshing ...
Source: Caroline's Breast Cancer Blog - February 26, 2014 Category: Cancer Tags: being a patient coping fibromyalgia Source Type: blogs

Real Time MRI Guidance and Visualization for Brain Surgery Using Clearpoint System: Interview with CEO of MRI Interventions
Ever since the 1950s neurosurgeons have been using static images, taken prior to the procedure, to guide them through an operation. Brain surgeries performed in this manner are based a great deal on trial and error, and require the patient to stay awake as the surgeon painstakingly works for hours to determine if the therapy reached the correct location in the brain. Now, MRI Interventions, an Irvine, CA company, is developing a novel technology called Clearpoint that uses real time, intra-procedural magnetic resonance imaging to guide neurological  procedures. The Clearpoint system is intended to be used for treatment ...
Source: Medgadget - November 19, 2013 Category: Technology Consultants Authors: Gaurav Krishnamurthy Tags: Medgadget Exclusive Neurological Surgery Radiology Source Type: blogs

May 2013 Update on Medical Innovation
 As the weeks go by, we try to collect stories and news coverage regarding physician-industry collaboration and the breakthroughs and successes that come from such relationships.  Below is a short summary of some recent physician-industry-academic-government collaborations and the impact they have had on individual patients, the U.S. healthcare system, and beyond. In light of the recently proposed budgets for FY 2014, numerous scientific and medical groups have urged Congress and the Obama Administration to increase funding for research.  The Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Researchers of America (PhRMA) recently note...
Source: Policy and Medicine - May 6, 2013 Category: Health Medicine and Bioethics Commentators Authors: Thomas Sullivan Source Type: blogs