My giant ovarian cyst the size of a watermelon – Laura ’ s story
The day I was told that I had a giant ovarian cyst I turned immediately to the internet for answers to the questions whizzing around my brain, but I quickly discovered that every story is a little bit different and finding answers quite difficult. Early on I decided to keep a diary of my journey, in the hope that it may help someone facing something similar. My way of coping with how anxious I felt was to approach it all like a work project (lots of research, preparation and organizing). In my case, the motivating factor in March 2016 to visit BUPA for a top-to-toe health check was utter despair with my NHS GP and concern ...
Source: The Hysterectomy Association - November 20, 2016 Category: OBGYN Authors: Linda Parkinson-Hardman Tags: Health dermoid cyst hysterectomy stories ovarian cyst Source Type: news

Watching What You Put In Your Mouth Can Reduce Health Care Spending More Than Politicians
Much of what I write is about the expensive, inequitable and unnecessarily complex U.S. health care system. About how corporate interests control both our health care system and our government--regardless of who we vote for--and what we can do about it. I will continue to do that, but going forward I'll also write about what is going right, especially in the private sector and the nonprofit world. I'll be introducing you to individuals, businesses, health care providers and organizations that are operating outside of government and who are making a positive difference in the lives of Americans. I'll be starting with in...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - November 11, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

DR MAX THE MIND DOCTOR: Feminists who made birth MORE traumatic for women
Dr Max remembers the first birth he oversaw and the expectant mother who was insistent on having a natural labour with no painkillers and only chamomile tea to help her through. (Source: the Mail online | Health)
Source: the Mail online | Health - October 29, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Chamomile tea and gargle with salt water: Seven natural cures for tonsillitis
TONSILLITIS is an inflammation of the tonsils, usually caused by a viral infection or less commonly, a bacterial infection. (Source: Daily Express - Health)
Source: Daily Express - Health - October 22, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

From chamomile to rosewood and orange: The essential oils that can save your skin
WHETHER you want to brighten, tone or even out your complexion, harness the power of these natural remedies. (Source: Daily Express - Health)
Source: Daily Express - Health - September 26, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

4 Foods That Can Calm Anxiety And 3 That Don't.
dear Editor, I've included credits for all the photos above each point below the post and am hoping we can use this photo for the post itself and for social media sharing. Thank you! Anxiety has become so prevalent in today's world, it's now considered the norm rather than the unusual. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older, or 18% of the population. (Source: National Institute of Mental Health) While medication is a valid route, many of us choose to seek a mo...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - September 2, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Ask JJ: Type 2 Diabetes
Dear JJ: My doctor just diagnosed me with pre-diabetes. Type 2 diabetes runs in my family, but I will not accept it as my fate. You've written about sugar's detrimental impact, so how can I get this under control so it doesn't blow up into full-blown diabetes? Diabetes doesn't happen overnight or linearly, but when your metabolic machinery breaks, serious havoc ensues. The massive repercussions can become deadly. Every time you eat, you raise blood sugar, which triggers your pancreas to release a hormone called insulin. Every food raises blood sugar, but high-sugar impact foods do it big time. Your pancreas "secretes s...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - June 16, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Natural Ways to Help Your Insomnia
I don't know if it's just a writer thing, but I get spells of insomnia all of the time. I will be laying in bed, fully aware that I NEED to get to sleep so that I can function the next day, but I just can't. I am usually fairly tired, too, but my mind just can't shut down. I once heard that if you want to imagine what the mind of a creative individual looks like, think of a web browser with thousands of tabs open all the time. I can't help but laugh, because it's completely true! My mind has a hard time turning off, which makes bed time almost impossible. I'm not the kind of person who would take prescription pills. Not ...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - June 3, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

What Your Favorite Exercise Teachers Eat Every Day
After a tough exercise class, many people find themselves crawling toward the nearest source of food and hoovering up anything in sight. But imagine doing that exhausting exercise class two, three or four more times in one day. That’s what your favorite teachers and trainers do to help keep you motivated. Not only do they have to show you proper moves, but they also sweat (and even suffer) alongside you to inspire you to give it everything you’ve got, just like they do. Of course, it takes a lot of food to fuel all of that activity. HuffPost Lifestyle asked master trainers from five major gyms and boutique exer...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - May 20, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

What Your Favorite Exercise Teachers Eat Every Day
After a tough exercise class, many people find themselves crawling toward the nearest source of food and hoovering up anything in sight. But imagine doing that exhausting exercise class two, three or four more times in one day. That’s what your favorite teachers and trainers do to help keep you motivated. Not only do they have to show you proper moves, but they also sweat (and even suffer) alongside you to inspire you to give it everything you’ve got, just like they do. Of course, it takes a lot of food to fuel all of that activity. HuffPost Lifestyle asked master trainers from five major gyms and boutique exer...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - May 20, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Pinkies Up! There Could Be Some Real Health Benefits To Drinking Tea
Tea gets short shrift as coffee’s milder little sister. But these leaves may have a lot more to offer drinkers than just their subtle taste. Large, observational studies have found lifelong tea drinkers are less likely to face early cognitive decline and get certain types of cancer, stroke, coronary heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. We should also note that by “tea,” we mean the leaves from the Camellia sinensis plant that are plucked and processed in different ways to make black, green, white, oolong and pu’er teas -- not herbal infusions like peppermint, hibiscus and chamomile teas. Researchers ...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - March 25, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Pinkies Up! There Could Be Some Real Health Benefits To Drinking Tea
Tea gets short shrift as coffee’s milder little sister. But these leaves may have a lot more to offer drinkers than just their subtle taste. Large, observational studies have found lifelong tea drinkers are less likely to face early cognitive decline and get certain types of cancer, stroke, coronary heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. We should also note that by “tea,” we mean the leaves from the Camellia sinensis plant that are plucked and processed in different ways to make black, green, white, oolong and pu’er teas -- not herbal infusions like peppermint, hibiscus and chamomile teas. Researchers ...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - March 25, 2016 Category: Science Source Type: news

Tips for Improving Your Sleep Quality for Ultimate Next-Day Energy
My Sleep Routine: Tips For Improving Your Sleep Quality For Next-Day Energy was originally posted on Even though the post covering my morning routine of meditation, water and fasted workouts was written almost two years ago, it still remains one of my most post popular posts. And yes, I still follow that routine almost every morning. But I've learned that no matter how well my morning routine is designed and how closely I follow it, getting to and sustaining a high level of productivity -- at least for me personally -- really requires restful and rejuvenating sleep. Before even getting into what works ...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - March 18, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Follow the poodle? Alternatives to prescription sleep medications
A contemporary author once wrote, “The night is the hardest time to be alive and 4 a.m. knows all my secrets.” If you haven’t been sleeping well for a while, this quote might feel like your new reality. You might even find yourself tempted by the happy poodles and free-floating butterflies on TV imploring you to ask your doctor about their new drugs for insomnia. But, before answering their siren call, you pause. You notice the side effects are rattled off rapidly and are difficult to understand. You are worried about being “hooked” on them forever. You ask yourself, is there another way to get better sleep? ...
Source: New Harvard Health Information - February 10, 2016 Category: Consumer Health News Authors: Stuart Quan, MD Tags: Anxiety and Depression Behavioral Health Complementary and alternative medicine Drugs and Supplements Sleep Source Type: news