Neanderthal Study Argues The Original Paleo Diet Included Flavorful Herbs
As you've surely figured out by now, especially if you're Facebook friends with any Crossfit enthusiasts, the fastest-growing diet of the past few years is the Paleo diet. It restricts adherents' food intake to ingredients that were -- at least theoretically -- consumed by hominids in the Paleolithic Age, which ended sometime around 10,000 B.C.E. That means no wheat, no sugar, no alcohol and certainly no artificial additives. Paleo is surely one of the most imaginatively daring diets ever devised. The underpinning idea is that the key to ideal health is to return, as much as possible, to the way our ancestors ate in som...
Source: Science - The Huffington Post - April 18, 2015 Category: Science Source Type: news

Neanderthal Study Argues The Original Paleo Diet Included Flavorful Herbs
As you've surely figured out by now, especially if you're Facebook friends with any Crossfit enthusiasts, the fastest-growing diet of the past few years is the Paleo diet. It restricts adherents' food intake to ingredients that were -- at least theoretically -- consumed by hominids in the Paleolithic Age, which ended sometime around 10,000 B.C.E. That means no wheat, no sugar, no alcohol and certainly no artificial additives. Paleo is surely one of the most imaginatively daring diets ever devised. The underpinning idea is that the key to ideal health is to return, as much as possible, to the way our ancestors ate in som...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - April 18, 2015 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Are You Sleepy ALL the Time? Don't Panic!
A good night's sleep is one of the most effective tools known to enhance mental and physical stamina. A chronic lack of sleep can be linked to certain symptoms, including poor concentration, dizziness, headaches, weight gain, depression and general fatigue throughout the day.  With maturity comes change, including the amount of time we are able to devote to regular sleep cycles.  Sleep deprivation may seem like a minor inconvenience, but it's much more than a nuisance!  In fact, research tells us that those with ongoing insomnia may be at a higher risk for developing serious chronic illnesses, such as Diabetes and Alzh...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - February 19, 2015 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

From A to Z, A Nerd's Guide To Herbal Tea
Stop right there: Before you reach for yet another cup of joe, consider the benefits of a nice cup of herbal tea. While it’s not quite tea by the proper definition -- traditional black, white and green teas are all derived from the Camellia sinensis plant, while herbal teas, or tisane, can be brewed with a wide variety of herbs and spices -- going herbal will add new flavor to your life. You can reap benefits for both your mind and your body by engaging in the centuries-old tradition of tea drinking. Since the world of herbal tea is so vast, we’ve partnered with Traditional Medicinals to put together an A-to-Z primer....
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - December 29, 2014 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Will Stevia Get A 'Breaking Bad' Bounce?
**Spoiler alert** If you're like me and among one of the 8 million-plus who watched the final episode of AMC's Breaking Bad last evening, you learned that Lydia Rodarte-Quayle's predictability for café meetings and chamomile tea with stevia led to her demise. Walter White took advantage of her detailed attention to schedule to replace the single packet of stevia on her table with his long ago-isolated ricin, a potent toxin from Castor beans. (Source: Healthcare News)
Source: Healthcare News - September 30, 2013 Category: Pharmaceuticals Authors: David Kroll Source Type: news

Natural Sleep Aids
Herbal remedies have been used to treat various health problems for thousands of years. One of the most common uses of herbs has been to relieve insomnia. Unfortunately, little scientific evidence is available regarding the safety and efficacy of herbal treatments for insomnia. The major herbals used include chamomile, valerian and lavender. read more (Source: Psychology Today Anxiety Center)
Source: Psychology Today Anxiety Center - May 6, 2013 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Authors: John Cline, Ph.D. Tags: Anxiety Sleep anxiety medications behavioral strategies emergency department visits health services administration herbal preparations herbal treatments herbs and supplements insomnia insomnia medications insomnia treatment medical Source Type: news