Does Nutrition Education with Fruit and Vegetable Supplementation Increase Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Improve Anthropometrics of Overweight or Obese People of Varying Socioeconomic Status?

Does Nutrition Education with Fruit and Vegetable Supplementation Increase Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Improve Anthropometrics of Overweight or Obese People of Varying Socioeconomic Status? Ecol Food Nutr. 2017 Dec 01;:1-18 Authors: Honrath K, Wagner MG, Rhee Y Abstract Fruit and vegetable (F/V) intake is inadequate and obesity is more prevalent among adults of lower socioeconomic status (SES) in the United States. The effect of nutrition education and F/V supplementation on F/V intake and anthropometrics of overweight or obese adults of varying SES was determined. F/V intake was not different between the nutrition education and F/V supplementation groups. Individuals with a graduate degree had significant improvements in fruit intake. Few of the improvements in anthropometrics seen were significant. Future research should focus on specific barriers to F/V intake and include information on total energy intake and expenditure. PMID: 29192798 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Source: Ecology of Food and Nutrition - Category: Nutrition Tags: Ecol Food Nutr Source Type: research