Paleoflood Hydrology of the Colorado River System, Implications for Climate Change

Funding Opportunity Number: R16-NOI-DO-007 Opportunity Category: DiscretionaryFunding Instrument Type: Cooperative AgreementCategory of Funding Activity: Science and Technology and other Research and DevelopmentCFDA Number: 15.560Eligible Applicants Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)Agency Name: DOI-BORClosing Date: Dec 29, 2015Award Ceiling: $85,000Expected Number of Awards: 1Creation Date: Dec 14, 2015Funding Opportunity Description: Climate models vary in estimating the specific magnitude and spatial variation of anthropogenic climate change; however, considerable agreement exists amongst all models that hydrologic changes will be paramount in semi-arid regions of southwestern North America [Seager, 2007]. Limited knowledge exists regarding the characteristics of extreme flood regimes and how they relate to climate change. Our understanding of flood hazard is based upon flood magnitude-frequency curves derived from short gaged and historical records, limiting our knowledge of the risks associated with extreme flooding and how extreme floods will vary in magnitude and/or frequency with future climate change. In the southwestern U.S., the gaged and historical record rarely exceeds one hundred years; therefore, large floods are statistically under-represented (Thornycraft et al., 2003). Paleoflood studies produce flood chronologies that can be used to extend the record of...
Source: - Category: Research Tags: Science and Technology and other Research and Development Source Type: funding