In China, here is what we want the west to know about our Covid response | Zheng Zeguang

Our approach to the pandemic has always been science-led, and that ’s still the case with our new, more lenient guidelinesZheng Zeguang is the Chinese ambassador to the UKNews: China Covid: experts estimate 9,000 deaths a dayOver the past weeks, Beijing has become the first city to go through the infection peak, and life and work are returning to normal in the capital. The Covid-19 situation in China is generally stable and controllable, and people are making plans to work, study and travel.That ’s why the Chinese government has announced that, starting from 8 January, Covid-19 will be managed with measures against Class B instead of the more serious Class A infectious diseases in accordance with the law. There will also be new cross-border travel rules. For visitors to China, no Covid te st will be mandatory upon arrival and no centralised quarantine will be required if someone tests positive while in the country. This is another adjustment China has made to its approach based on a comprehensive assessment of the pandemic situation, representing a shift of focus from stemming infect ions to preventing severe cases and further minimising the impact of Covid-19 on economic and social activities.Zheng Zeguang is the Chinese ambassador to the UKDo you have an opinion on the issues raised in this article? If you would like to submit a response of up to 300 words by email to be considered for publication in ourletters section, pleaseclick here.Continue reading...
Source: Guardian Unlimited Science - Category: Science Authors: Tags: China Coronavirus Infectious diseases Science World news Medical research Asia Pacific Omicron variant Source Type: news