My hysterectomy and cancer journey – Anya ’ s story

I had been suffering from heavy bleeding on and off since the birth of my second child in 2012 , medication and the contraceptive pill did nothing to ease the bleeding and I was referred to a gynaecologist, I initially saw a locum gynaecologist who persuaded me to have a Mirena coil fitted. However that made matters matters worse and some six months later following several appointments with another gynaecologist, a hysteroscopy and scans it was discovered that coil had managed to lodge itself in my uterus and that the small fibroid I had had for years had suddenly enlarged in size. My gynaecologist recommended I had a hysterectomy- I was 37 years old at the time with 2 young children and had not been fully sure that I wanted such drastic surgery that would so suddenly bring my child bearing days to an end and there was all the worries as to how I was going to mange the children after having such major surgery. Anyway, I had the surgery and as things turned out thank goodness I did. The surgery went well, I recovered quickly and was back swimming and being quite active within a month of surgery. I felt better then I had for weeks. Then the bombshell came, 5 weeks after surgery I was contacted by my gynaecologist asking me to go back and see her in 3 days time. Unfortunately due to a hospital error the letter telling me I needed a ct scan landed on my doorstep before I had seen the consultant. It was my 38th birthday and I found myself at the hospital being told by the gynaecol...
Source: The Hysterectomy Association - Category: OBGYN Authors: Tags: Health cancer hysterectomy stories Source Type: news