Extraoral surgical access for removal of intraparotid giant sialolith in young patient. A case report
Abstract Sialolithiasis is one of the most common diseases of salivary glands. Sialoliths mainly develop in the submandibular gland with few cases described in the parotid and sublingual glands. They are more common in adults between the third and fourth decades of life, and can affect the elderly and rarely children and adolescents. In most cases, they are located in the ducts, but parenchymal location is unusual. Clinical signs of sialolithiasis are well known; however, they may appear in atypical sites, making it difficult to locate and diagnose them precisely. In these cases, the use of complementary imaging examinatio...
Source: Revista Espanola de Cirugia Oral y Maxilofacial - July 10, 2017 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research

Diagnosis of multiple myeloma following an osteolytic mandibular lesion
Conclusiones: La presentación inicial del mieloma múltiple mediante una lesión mandibular es poco frecuente. Sin embargo, el cirujano maxilofacial debe sospechar u na neoplasia de células plasmáticas ante imágenes radiolúcidas mandibulares y no demorar un estudio más exhaustivo.Abstract Purpose: Multiple myeloma is a neoplasic proliferation of plasma cells with systemic repercussion and osteolytic lesions. The initial diagnosis by a mandibular lesion is extremely rare. Therefore we present a clinical case of multiple myeloma diagnosed following pain and swelling from an ostelytic mandibular lesion, and we review t...
Source: Revista Espanola de Cirugia Oral y Maxilofacial - July 10, 2017 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research

Retrocaruncular approach to orbital medial wall reconstruction
Conclusiones: La técnica para el acceso retrocaruncular presentada otorga un seguro, amplio y directo acceso a la pared medial para realizar reconstrucción de la órbita, obteniendo óptimos resultados estéticos y funcionales con mínimas complicaciones.Abstract Objective: To present a retrospective analysis of the use of retrocaruncular approach to access medial orbital wall reconstruction. Additionally, the technique for performing this access is described. Material and method: The sample for this study was chosen from the population of patients referred to the Maxillofacial Surgery Service at the Hospital Cl ínico...
Source: Revista Espanola de Cirugia Oral y Maxilofacial - July 10, 2017 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research

Complications in cranial reconstruction using PEEK prosthesis
Conclusion: The ideal material for reconstructing cranial defects does not exist, but PEEK has demonstrated good outcomes. When autologous bone is not available or in selected cases with large defects, PEEK is a good option to reconstruct these defects. However, if the defect is related with paranasal sinuses, indication must be evaluated. (Source: Revista Espanola de Cirugia Oral y Maxilofacial)
Source: Revista Espanola de Cirugia Oral y Maxilofacial - July 10, 2017 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research

Precision in orbital reconstruction with preformed titanium meshes
Conclusiones: Las mallas orbitarias preformadas necesitan ajustes en un 50% de nuestros casos. Planificaci ón preoperatoria y navegación permiten identificar las órbitas en las que la adaptación no es buena y corregirla, y así mejorar la precisión de la reconstrucción.Abstract Objectives: To assess reconstruction with preformed orbital titanium meshes in our patients. To evaluate the influence of surgical planning and intraoperative navigation in orbital reconstruction accuracy. Material and method: Patients with unilateral orbital floor fractures reconstructed with preformed titanium meshes between 2009 and 2014 ...
Source: Revista Espanola de Cirugia Oral y Maxilofacial - July 10, 2017 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research

Amoxicillin to prevent post extraction of third molars infection: Randomized clinical trial
Conclusion: The pre and postoperative administration of amoxicillin are not effective to prevent post extraction of third molars infection (Source: Revista Espanola de Cirugia Oral y Maxilofacial)
Source: Revista Espanola de Cirugia Oral y Maxilofacial - July 10, 2017 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research

Efficacy of antibiotic therapy in reducing the frequency of dry socket single post exodontia. Randomized, controlled, single-blind clinical trial
Conclusion: Antibiotic therapy does not reduce the frequency of dry socket. (Source: Revista Espanola de Cirugia Oral y Maxilofacial)
Source: Revista Espanola de Cirugia Oral y Maxilofacial - July 10, 2017 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research

Ectopic mandibular third molar in the sub-condylar region: a clinical case and a literature review
This report describes a case of an impacted tooth in the sub-condylar region in a woman with hemifacial discomfort and recurrent swelling. A description of the surgical management of this pathology is given as well as a literatura review. (Source: Revista Espanola de Cirugia Oral y Maxilofacial)
Source: Revista Espanola de Cirugia Oral y Maxilofacial - December 22, 2016 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research

Trèlat's beads as oral manifestations in patients with HIV/TB
Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Koch's bacillus). Co-infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and TB has reached a significant importance as a public health problem and this association has been recognized as the most significant event that changed "the balance between man and Koch's bacillus" in the last century, and has a large contribution to the risk for disease spreading. Tuberculosis has two main standard categories of clinical manifestations: primary and secondary. Primary TB is responsible for the initial infection with lungs being the involved org...
Source: Revista Espanola de Cirugia Oral y Maxilofacial - December 22, 2016 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research

Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumours as the source of orofacial pain
In this study, the authors reviewed the current literature on MPNSTs of the trigeminal nerve to analyse the presentations, treatment options, and outcomes for patients with this disease, as well as the report of a case involving the 3 branches of the trigeminal nerve. (Source: Revista Espanola de Cirugia Oral y Maxilofacial)
Source: Revista Espanola de Cirugia Oral y Maxilofacial - December 22, 2016 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research

Sticky platelet syndrome: a report of 2 cases
El s índrome de plaquetas pegajosas (SPP) es un trastorno que se traduce en una serie de fenómenos protrombóticos a expensas de hiperagregabilidad plaquetaria. Es un trastorno raro y, a pesar de que puede ser identificado eficazmente mediante agregometría plaquetaria, se desconoce la etiología. Algu nas publicaciones indican que el 20% de los eventos vaso-oclusivos arteriales corresponden a casos asociados al SPP. El SPP constituye un trastorno inusual; los pocos reportes oscurecen la prevalencia de esta entidad. Tiene implicación en el fracaso de colgajos libres e injertos por la formación d e microtrombos. El prop...
Source: Revista Espanola de Cirugia Oral y Maxilofacial - December 22, 2016 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research

Tuberculosis of parotid gland
Hoy en d ía la tuberculosis es una de las más importantes infecciones reemergentes en el mundo. Hasta un 20% de las formas de presentación son extratorácicas. Sin embargo, la presencia de tuberculosis a nivel parotídeo es infrecuente incluso en países subdesarrollados, donde la incidencia de esta enfer medad es mayor. Presentamos un paciente de 83 años que acude por tumoración en región parotídea de 4 semanas de evolución sin antecedentes personales. La exploración clínica revela una masa en cola de parótida izquierda de aproximadamente 3 × 2 cm, no dolorosa a la palpación y sin evidenci a de adenopatías a...
Source: Revista Espanola de Cirugia Oral y Maxilofacial - December 22, 2016 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research

Desmoplastic ameloblastoma with cystic predominance: presentation of a clinical case
El ameloblastoma es una neoplasia odontog énica que muestra un comportamiento agresivo local. Algunas variantes como la uniquística y la desmoplásica tienen un mejor pronóstico que la sólida/multiquística. Presentamos un caso en un varón de 76 años con una lesión radiolúcida interradicular mandibular de apariencia quística, la cu al se enucleó quirúrgicamente. Histológicamente correspondió a una lesión desmoplásica con una amplia zona quística que fue diagnosticada como ameloblastoma desmoplásico con predominio quístico. Trascurridos 30 meses no se evidencia recidiva. En este artículo se discuten los p...
Source: Revista Espanola de Cirugia Oral y Maxilofacial - December 22, 2016 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research

Endoscopic approaches to the anterior skull base
Los abordajes endosc ópicos a la base de cráneo anterior se han desarrollado de forma muy importante en las últimas décadas y continúan extendiéndose paralelamente a la aparición de nuevo instrumental y equipo que facilitan su aplicación. Factores importantes que han contribuido a ello son la posibilidad de acce der de forma directa a zonas difíciles y la disminución de morbilidad que pueden aportar, manteniendo los resultados esperados. Pero también tienen desventajas y limitaciones pues requieren conocimiento anatómico y el uso de material específico en un campo quirúrgico limitado por el espacio, e structu...
Source: Revista Espanola de Cirugia Oral y Maxilofacial - December 22, 2016 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research

Bone distraction and orthognathic surgery on previously irradiated patients
We report the case of a patient who received radiotherapy in childhood for retinoblastoma. The main sequelae of this was, severe bone hemifacial hypoplasia, abnormal dentition, and muscle atrophy. Corrective facial surgery was performed through bone distraction, orthognathic surgery, and facial liposuction, with excellent and stable aesthetic and functional results to date. Case: report A 15 year-old patient with left temporo-parieto-frontal and orbital hypoplasia and midface hypoplasia with an inclined occlusal plane, overjet more than 25 mm and multiple teeth with microdontia and rhizolysis. At 19 years old, presurgical ...
Source: Revista Espanola de Cirugia Oral y Maxilofacial - December 22, 2016 Category: ENT & OMF Source Type: research