Travis Sherer: What are you excited about in the fight against HIV/AIDS?

Founded in 1982 in direct response to the AIDS epidemic, GLMA has long been involved in issues related to HIV and AIDS.  Although progress has been challenging at times, there is a lot right now to be hopeful about. Significant advances in the treatment and prevention of HIV have led us to an exciting place where we are able to discuss the potential for an end to the epidemic. Condom use, antiretroviral therapies, microbicides, PreP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) and PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) provide a wide range of tools available help prevent the transmission of HIV. Treatment as prevention is real and within our grasp. These advances are making a difference in the lives of the people living with and at risk of HIV I treat and care for every day. I have an increasing number of serodiscordant couples who are maintaining healthy, happy relationships with these additional tools. New patients who are HIV negative are staying negative and enjoying a greater sense of empowerment with emtricitabine/tenofovir.  I have also noticed an additional benefit of PreP - many patients, particularly younger patients, who might not have otherwise engaged in regular healthcare are now doing so. My patients with HIV patients are expressing greater interest in and knowledge of the importance of adherence and an undetectable viral load not only for their own health, but as an essential component to preventing transmission. Spurred in part by these advances, the Obama Administration issued t...
Source: PHRMA - Category: Pharmaceuticals Authors: Source Type: news