The funny things people write to me

I find it humorous when someone writes to me and says that I can't understand this or that because I'm not diabetic.I disagree. I cannot understand your personal feelings, but I probably could pass for a ph.d on this topic.  I have never experienced any of the symptoms or side effects of this disease. But having experienced a substantial amount of pain from a variety of issues in my lifetime - I do know what pain is.Anyone understands events, illnesses, issues that sap energy out of you. I'm thinking childbirth would be a really good example! LOL!!! How exhausting is it to be in labor for 24 hours, pop out a child, then start to hemorrhage so severe that you have to go into surgery? Talk about pain that saps every single ounce of energy in your entire system? I've been there, experienced that!I really do understand that excess sugar damages veins. As well as nerve endings, organs, etc. I completely understand that it's not providing him with the energy he needs. I know exactly where his lethargy comes from.The difference is, he does not do what he is supposed to do. He is a seriously non-compliant diabetic who eats whatever he wants, refuses to do any type of exercise, is in his chair or on his bed most of the day.I do understand that diabetes is never behind you. Trust me. It is right here every single solitary day - right in my face - whether I want it or not - and I do not have this disease. However...
Source: Wife of a Diabetic - Category: Endocrinology Source Type: blogs