Demand Congress to go on Medicare at the age of 65

Born in Canada, our mother came to the United States after World War II and blended into the Greatest Generation. Raising a family in the second half of the 20th century saw her contribute to a thriving American society then maintain retirement health on Medicare. But in her early 90s, this tranquility was threatened when her HMO hospital tried to kill her. She went to the emergency room with symptoms of the stomach flu, and ended up rapidly placed on palliative care with an erroneous diagnosis of end-stage liver cancer. Fortunately, after a long ordeal and because of our medical background, we thwarted hospital personnel efforts and got her back home. Healthy. Because health care spending is 17.5 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product (by far the highest in the world), legislators have focused on lowering this figure. Some of the financial assault has come against Medicare, creating a two-tiered system endangering the health of the Greatest Generation. As a primary care physician (PCP), I have seen this onslaught perpetrated against elder senior patients who are admitted to the hospital. Continue reading ... Your patients are rating you online: How to respond. Manage your online reputation: A social media guide. Find out how.
Source: Kevin, M.D. - Medical Weblog - Category: Journals (General) Authors: Tags: Policy Geriatrics Source Type: blogs