How some OTs are responding to criticism

Sometimes images can convey an action or feeling better than words, so I offer this as representation of the occupational therapy profession's response to the Washingtonian article that some in the profession believed was overly critical: Like the Spartans, many occupational therapists responded to the message in the article by killing the messenger.  That might not be the best idea.I made the following comments in the article but since I am not assured that those comments will persist I thought I would document them here.Some OTs are concerned that the article is unfair and undermines the legitimacy of OT in general and their work in particular.  First of all, a magazine article can't undermine the legitimacy of anything. It is a piece of journalism. As such it has some reporting elements and invariably there are some differing opinions injected. Those opinions exist outside of the magazine article. The article does not undermine legitimacy; the opinions do. Therefore, it is important to look at the opinions that are reflected in the article. Some defenders made comments that promoting normal development is a good thing to do, particularly since so many children have experiences that are not encouraging school readiness skills.  There was discussion about how the current culture and parenting practices are not always beneficial for children.  In the comments one therapist asked several questions related to "When is it bad to..." and those ...
Source: ABC Therapeutics Occupational Therapy Weblog - Category: Occupational Health Tags: evidence-based practice OT practice sensory integration Source Type: blogs