Managing Bipolar Disorder in the Elderly
Stephen M. Strakowski, MD, discusses the unique challenges psychiatrists face in managing older patients with existing or new-onset bipolar disorder or mania, underscoring the need for more research. (Source: Medscape Psychiatry Podcast)
Source: Medscape Psychiatry Podcast - August 16, 2017 Category: Psychiatry Authors: Medscape Source Type: podcasts

Research Summaries: Childhood IQ and risk of bipolar disorder in adulthood: prospective birth cohort study
This study focused on association of childhood IQ (which is an imperfect measure of true intelligence) with propensity for bipolar disorder in young adulthood. This study did not look at creativity and did not look at actual occurrence of bipolar disorder, thus all the results should not be extrapolated wildly. Childhood IQ at age 8 was measured using WISC-III and separate verbal and performance IQ as well as Full IQ scores were used in analysis. Propensity towards bipolar was measured using HCL-32 (hypo-mania checklist) which consist of 32 yes/no answers to statements like ‘I am more easily distracted’ when in...
Source: The Mouse Trap - July 14, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Authors: sandygautam Tags: bipolar intelligence Research Summaries Bipolar disorder IQ Source Type: podcasts

Goals and Depression
Striving towards meaningful goals is good for your well-being; even just having goals by themselves are indicative of well-being. This is an established dogma of positive psychology, so how can one argue that goals may be at the root of the experience called depression. Embed from Getty Images A framework that aims to throw some light on this is the dual-process Tenacious Goal Pursuit (TGP) and Flexible Goal Adjustment (FGA) theory as proposed by Brandstatdter and colleagues. As per this framework, we all strive towards goals, but only goals that are meaningful (say goals which align with our self-identity) and attai...
Source: The Mouse Trap - May 24, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Authors: sandygautam Tags: depression ABCD ABCD mdoel goals mania personality Source Type: podcasts

Maternal smoking during pregnancy and bipolar disorder in offspring
In this podcast, Dr Ardesheer Talati talks to Dr Raj Persaud about his latest research into the association between exposure to smoking during pregnancy and the risk for bipolar disorder. In addition, he discusses the link between brain imaging and depression, following on from his involvement in a three-generational study into the transmission of depression among offspring, as explored in a recent podcast with Professor Myrna Weissman. (Source: Raj Persaud talks to...)
Source: Raj Persaud talks to... - April 28, 2017 Category: Psychiatry Authors: Royal College of Psychiatrists Tags: Science & Medicine Source Type: podcasts

Bipolar Disorder: Osmosis Study Video
This video on the basics of bipolar disorder, sometimes known as manic depression, explores the definition, signs and symptoms, and treatments for the condition. (Source: Medscape Med Students Podcast)
Source: Medscape Med Students Podcast - March 23, 2017 Category: Universities & Medical Training Authors: Medscape Source Type: podcasts

The Four Neural Sub-Types of Depression
Regular readers of The Mouse Trap will be familiar with my obsession with knowing how nature is carved at its joints or in other words what are the natural categories or basic kinds. Anhedonia (The Graduate album) (Photo credit: Wikipedia) This translates into thinking a lot about what are the fundamental drives, basic emotions and personalty traits and what taxonomic system of mental illness is most reflective of underlying fundamental nosological differences. While synthesizing the work of others, has great value, and one derives many valuable theoretical insights based on such musings; there is nothing better than findi...
Source: The Mouse Trap - February 23, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Authors: sandygautam Tags: depression anergia anhedonia anxiety Depression (mood) Major depressive disorder mania Source Type: podcasts

A tale of two diseases
I have Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). I am also bipolar. Now which of the above statements shocked/ surprised you more? If I am guessing correctly the latter statement about my being bipolar came across as more of a shock/ surprise/ concern. Now what does that say about your own reactions to mental illness and your own involvement in perpetuating the stigma against mental illness? Embed from Getty Images Both of the above are chronic diseases to an extent. My OSA (snoring in popular parlance) cannot be treated by surgery, so the only viable option I have is to use a CPAP machine while sleeping to get a good nightR...
Source: The Mouse Trap - December 27, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Authors: sandygautam Tags: bipolar personal Bipolar disorder Mental disorder Mental health self-disclosure Source Type: podcasts

Manic Depressive Leaders in a Time of Crisis
S. Nassir Ghaemi, in his book, A First Rate Madness: Uncovering the links between  Leadership and Mental Illness, makes a case for the fact that while ‘normal’ leaders are good in times of stability and peace; in times of crisis, mentally ill or mentally abnormal people make for better leaders. Embed from Getty Images He does this via historical analysis of leaders like Gandhi, Martin Luther King jr, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln etc. Some of these leaders he classifies as being predominantly depressive, others as manic while the rest as being of bipolar proclivity. He lists f...
Source: The Mouse Trap - November 25, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Authors: sandygautam Tags: bipolar creativity depression empathy mania realism resilience Source Type: podcasts

A Decade of Blogging: the Top 10 posts on The Mouse Trap
19 may 2006 was the day I blogged for the first time; the platform was blogspot and I was unsure of what direction my blog will take and whether I will be able to make a difference and convey my thoughts and learning to a broader audience. Embed from Getty Images A decade later, with more than a million page views, I am decently satisfied with having found a niche for myself and for creating some positive impact. But one lament I have is that I have slowed down considerably. In the first 3 and half years, while the blog was hosted on blogspot, I wrote about 360 blog posts; in Oct 2009, I had moved to self hosted blog, ...
Source: The Mouse Trap - May 22, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Authors: sandygautam Tags: Blog 10 Years anniversary Source Type: podcasts

JAMA Psychiatry : Self-Harm, Unintentional Injury, and Suicide in Bipolar Disorder
Interview with Joseph F. Hayes, MSc, MBChB, author of Self-Harm, Unintentional Injury, and Suicide in Bipolar Disorder During Maintenance Mood Stabilizer Treatment: A United Kingdom Population-Based Electronic Health Records Study (Source: JAMA Specialty Journals Author Interviews)
Source: JAMA Specialty Journals Author Interviews - May 11, 2016 Category: Journals (General) Authors: The JAMA Network Source Type: podcasts

Self-Harm, Unintentional Injury, and Suicide in Bipolar Disorder (JAMA Psychiatry)
Interview with Joseph F. Hayes, MSc, MBChB, author of Self-Harm, Unintentional Injury, and Suicide in Bipolar Disorder During Maintenance Mood Stabilizer Treatment: A United Kingdom Population-Based Electronic Health Records Study (Source: JAMA Specialty Journals Author Interviews)
Source: JAMA Specialty Journals Author Interviews - May 11, 2016 Category: Journals (General) Authors: The JAMA Network Source Type: podcasts

Michael E. Thase, MD - Detection and Management of Bipolar Depression in the Primary Care Setting: Advancing Practice, Improving Outcomes
Detection and Management of Bipolar Depression in the Primary Care Setting: Advancing Practice, Improving Outcomes (Source: PeerView CME/CE Audio Podcast - Primary Care)
Source: PeerView CME/CE Audio Podcast - Primary Care - January 27, 2016 Category: Primary Care Authors: PVI, PeerView Institute for Medical Education Tags: Science, Medicine Source Type: podcasts