Just how noncompliant can you get?
It has now been a year since hubby has seen any kind of a doctor or had any labs done. How long will they allow him to refill his prescriptions? He is self medicating.  His humulin ru500 is now 50 units in the morning and another 50 units at night.  Remember, it is 5 x the normal insulin dosage. How much is too much? He has been gone 9 1/2 months. I fill my days with gardening, crafts and family. My nights are awfully lonely. My denial of what I know he is doing to himself grows daily. Denial is what keeps me surviving. (Source: Wife of a Diabetic)
Source: Wife of a Diabetic - May 30, 2013 Category: Diabetes Source Type: blogs

Time heals all
Hubby is much better.  His dad is getting better.  Still in the hospital, but making baby steps every day.  He's been in for 4 1/2 weeks now with no sign of getting discharged. (Source: Wife of a Diabetic)
Source: Wife of a Diabetic - May 8, 2013 Category: Diabetes Source Type: blogs

He is scared
Hubby called.  He is scared.  He has had almost non-stop diarrhea for the last week.  He can't eat a thing.  I told him to go to a doctor.  He said he won't go.  He's a thousand miles away.  His dad is still in ICU, battling kidney failure right now.  His brother went home. History: 2009 Heart attack 2010 Bypass surgery 2011 Spinal fusion surgery 2012 Let go from work/moved/mother died 2013.... only 4 years since his heart attack.  only 3 years since his bypass surgery.  he should be good for at least 2 more years. 2 years since the spinal fusion surgery.  I honest...
Source: Wife of a Diabetic - April 30, 2013 Category: Diabetes Source Type: blogs

He's back!!
I must really be a terrible person.  I am so not enjoying his company.  He is passing the worst gas ever.  We were in the car for an hour today and I thought I was goimg to vomit.  That's how rank it was.  I know he can't help it, but I can't stand that rank sweet smell that tells me his sugar is out of kilter.  Have you ever smelled what I'm talking about? He has the volume on the TV so loud the floor vibrates.  Has he gotten that deaf? H started out driving today and in 5 minutes he had to pull over.  He took a prescription pain pill last night and it made him start to get ill. &...
Source: Wife of a Diabetic - April 14, 2013 Category: Diabetes Source Type: blogs

has it been a month?
since I last posted???  WOW!  How time flies.  Hubby is still living a thousand miles away helping out with his dad.  Dad had a colonoscopy last Friday and is in surgery at this moment having 1/3 of his colon removed.  It's cancer.  Age 81.  They will send samples to the lab to see if it has spread to his liver and we will know in a couple of weeks. Hubby seems to be holding up well.  His brother is there right now.  If all goes well, he will be here the end of the week for 10 days, then back to his dad's so his brother can go home.  I have packed up more of his stuff that...
Source: Wife of a Diabetic - April 8, 2013 Category: Diabetes Source Type: blogs

FIL is out of the hospital
Sometimes things are too funny to believe.  Hubby's dad woke up early Sat am and somehow had his partial plate tangled around his tongue.  The nurses couldn't get it out!  I think it scared them so they decided to discharge him.  Then he got his contact lens stuck in an eye and they had to suction it out.   There are reasons why one should wear eye glasses and take their teeth out at night when you reach a certain age!  :o) And a family of at least 7 skunks has come to life under the house, so the exterminators have been called and 4 have been trapped and relocated.  The remaining 3 ...
Source: Wife of a Diabetic - March 4, 2013 Category: Diabetes Source Type: blogs

Even Steven
Where did that phrase come from?  LOL!!!  I think it's how to describe my life right now.  Good days and bad days...even numbers so things are in balance. Hubby's dad is in the hospital and while I don't think it's too serious, he will be in at least 5 days and hubby is stressed to the max.  I'm noticing it.  Hubby doesn't remember that he told me something or that I told him something.  He is getting facts confused and his dates are out of whack.  He's done this in the past when he has high stress.  I have to handle the situation carefully.  "Yes, I know.  Don't you reme...
Source: Wife of a Diabetic - February 23, 2013 Category: Diabetes Source Type: blogs

Even Steven
Where did that phrase come from?  LOL!!!  I think it's how to describe my life right now.  Good days and bad days...even numbers so things are in balance. Hubby's dad is in the hospital and while I don't think it's too serious, he will be in t least 5 days and hubby is stressed to the max.  I'm noticing it.  Hubby doesn't remember that he told me something or that I told him something.  He is getting facts confused nd his dates are out of whack.  He's done this in the past when he has high stress.  I have to handle the situation carefully.  "Yes, I know.  Don't you rememb...
Source: Wife of a Diabetic - February 23, 2013 Category: Diabetes Source Type: blogs