Immunization and Vaccines for Children Program

Funding Opportunity Number: CDC-RFA-IP13-1301 Opportunity Category: DiscretionaryFunding Instrument Type: Cooperative AgreementCategory of Funding Activity: HealthCFDA Number: 93.26893.539Eligible Applicants Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)Agency Name: HHS-CDCClosing Date: Sep 03, 2013Award Ceiling: $33,000,000Expected Number of Awards: 64Creation Date: Aug 20, 2013Funding Opportunity Description: The purpose of the program is to support efforts to plan, develop, and maintain a public health workforce that helps assure high immunization coverage levels, low incidence of vaccine-preventable diseases, and maintain or improve the ability to respond to public health threats. As a part of this effort, the purpose of the VFC program is to increase access to vaccines for eligible children by supplying federal government-purchased pediatric vaccines to public and private health care providers enrolled in the program. To be eligible for this program, children (newborns through 18 years of age) must meet one of the following criteria:• Medicaid eligible• Uninsured, • American Indian/Alaska Native• Uninsured with respect to the vaccine to be administered and served by a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) or a Rural Health Clinic (RHC) or another VFC provider who has a signed memorandum of understanding with an FQHC or RHC to serve these underinsured children.
Source: - Category: Research Tags: Health Source Type: funding