Physical fitness related to sportive performance in artistic gymnastics

This study is a systematic review and used the following databases: Scielo, PubMed and SportDiscus, with no starting date and using as final cutoff the month of February 2017. The search strategy was based on the identification of the Population of adolescents practicing artistic gymnastics and outcome related to physical fitness characteristics related to sports performance, and allowed verifying how studies were evaluated. There was a predominance of studies related to anthropometric variables, such as BMI and body fat percentage (%F) of gymnasts. Based on this type of study, the information available in this study will contribute to help physical education professionals and other researchers in the field with current publications related to these aspects, according to the results of this study, particularly in the pedagogical information for coaches.Resumo A pr ática da ginástica artística para as crianças e adolescentes desenvolvem tanto o vocabulário motor, como aspectos cognitivos e sócios afetivos. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar as características da aptidão física relacionado ao desempenho esportivo de adolescentes praticantes de ginástic a artística Este estudo é uma revisão sistemática e utilizou as bases de dados: Scielo, PubMed e SportDiscus, sem data limite de início e utilizando como ponto de corte final o mês de fevereiro de 2017. A estratégia de busca partiu da identificação da população de adolescentes praticantes de ginástica artís...
Source: Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano - Category: Sports Medicine Source Type: research