Most visited page on

So…that time of year…what was the most visited page on As if you care… Well, of the 800,000 total visits to the site in 2017 (so far, at one time the site used to get almost that many visits every month!), served 4.4 million pages, the most visited was an article asking whether great tit beaks are getting longer! A piece showcasing my photos of three grey herons did well too, as did a post about the wren. The story of Grace Darling in October, 175 years after her death was popular, just beating an explanation as to why the sun over the UK went red in the autumn. My music promo page dropped back a little, nowhere near as many visits as this time last year, but then again, our feathered friends have been featuring heavily this year and any music links I’ve shared have pointed straight to my BandCamp or SoundCloud pages in recent months. The periodic table song, structure of morphine, chemical puns, and other phrases continue to bring people in from the search engines, and also the question “Why does salt lower freezing point?” and one asking what boron smells like”.
Source: David Bradley Sciencebase - Songs, Snaps, Science - Category: Science Authors: Tags: Science Source Type: blogs