Is Validation Therapy for Dementia Calming or Condescending?

People with Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia often live in an altered reality that doesn't mesh with ours; yet their perceptions are as real to them as our perceptions are to us. That's a tough concept for many adult children and spouses of people with dementia to absorb. Validation of our loved one's reality is very often the kindest, most respectful response to their altered world that we can provide. In order to offer that validation without coming across as condescending, we need to understand the reason behind "therapeutic fibbing"—as validation therapy is sometimes called. Read full article on Agingcare about validation therapy and how it helps people living with dementia: Support a caregiver or jump start discussion in support groups with real stories - for bulk orders of Minding Our Elders e-mail Carol Related articles Alzheimer's: Education Helps but Stigma Remains Shadowing in Alzheimer's Sign of Fear, Anxiety Is it Alzheimer's, a Different Type of Dementia or Something Else Entirely?                Related StoriesAnxiety May Speed Onset of Dementia When Paired with MCIAging in Place or Assisted Living: It’s About ChoicesLewy Body Dementia Often Confused With Alzheimer’s 
Source: Minding Our Elders - Category: Geriatrics Authors: Source Type: blogs