Missing the Moment of Passing Can Make Some Family Members Feel Guilty

Dear Carol: My dad had been fighting cancer for years. Eventually, there was no more hope for a cure, so we agreed to ask for hospice care to keep Dad comfortable during his last weeks of life. He surprised us by doing well under hospice care, living beyond the doctor’s expectation, but, of course, he eventually died. What bothers me is that I wasn’t with him at the moment he passed. He was in a nursing home at the time and the staff was wonderful. They called the family together when it was determined that Dad was close to the end. My siblings and I sat with Dad for two days around the clock. We brought in food at first but as the wait stretched out we took turns going to my nearby home to shower and nap. Dad died during my nap. I still feel devastated and guilty that I wasn’t there when he passed. I go to hospice grief counseling and that is helping, but I’m wondering if you have any words of comfort to offer? Rhonda Read full column on Inforum about feeling guilty when you miss the moment of passing: Support a caregiver or jump start discussion in support groups with real stories - for bulk orders of Minding Our Elders e-mail Carol Related articles Telling a Loved One That Hospice Is the Next Step of the Journey Caregiver Struggles With Suffering and Pending Death of Loved One Coping with Criticism from the Loved One You Care For                Related StoriesWhat Is Palli...
Source: Minding Our Elders - Category: Geriatrics Authors: Source Type: blogs