Sickle Cell Disease Treatment Demonstration Regional Collaboratives Program

Funding Opportunity ID: 290038 Opportunity Number: HRSA-17-078 Opportunity Title: Sickle Cell Disease Treatment Demonstration Regional Collaboratives ProgramOpportunity Category: DiscretionaryOpportunity Category Explanation: Funding Instrument Type: Cooperative AgreementCategory of Funding Activity: HealthCategory Explanation: Number(s): 93.365Eligible Applicants: Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)Additional Information on Eligibility: Eligible entities for this cooperative agreement program are any federally-qualified health center, nonprofit hospital or clinic, or university health center that provides primary health care that: (1) has a collaborative agreement with a community-based sickle cell disease organization or a nonprofit entity with experience in working with individuals with sickle cell disease; and (2) demonstrates that it, the collaborative entity, or the experts described in section 712(c)(2)(C) of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004, has at least five (5) years of experience working with individuals who have sickle cell disease.  Faith-based and community-based organizations that meet these qualifications are eligible to apply. Foreign entities are not eligible for HRSA awards, unless the authorizing legislation specifically authorizes awards to ...
Source: - Category: Research Tags: Health Source Type: funding