U.s. embassy colombo public affairs section small grants program for sri lanka

Funding Opportunity ID: 291791 Opportunity Number: PAS-COL-008 Opportunity Title: U.S. EMBASSY COLOMBO PUBLIC AFFAIRS SECTION SMALL GRANTS PROGRAM FOR SRI LANKAOpportunity Category: DiscretionaryOpportunity Category Explanation: Funding Instrument Type: Cooperative AgreementGrantCategory of Funding Activity: Other (see text field entitled "Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity" for clarification)Category Explanation: The U.S. Embassy Public Affairs Section (PAS) is pleased to announce that funding is available through the Embassy’s Public Diplomacy grants program for awards. Grants are intended for local representatives of civil society including non-governmental organizations, cultural institutions, universities, schools, and individuals. To receive funding, grants must support one of the following goals: 1. Promote reconciliation, through programs which promote social integration among all segments of society; encourage participatory processes between citizens and government; strengthen partnerships to give communities a greater voice in government and society. 2. Improve respect for human rights, through programs which strengthen democratic values; enhance awareness and protection of religious freedom and human rights principles; and encourage gender equality. 3. Improve respect for and application of freedom of expression, through programs that promote a free and open media; strengthen understanding of social media; empower j...
Source: Grants.gov - Category: Research Tags: Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification) Source Type: funding