FY2015 by the Numbers, and a Quick Look at Recent Trends

When I was an extramural program division director, NIH applicants and awardees would often ask me questions like “Do you fund research on certain topics?” or “What’s been happening to success rates for certain kinds of grants?” or “How much money do certain kinds of grants usually get?” Often I would respond by going to the RePORT website and running a query or two (or three or more); I would not only show the results but also show the applicant/awardee how to run even more queries on their own. Indeed the website offers an extraordinary data resource for the public, ranging from the RePORTER query tool to find certain kinds of grants, to a bounty of prepared reports, to tools for exporting large data tables about projects, resulting publications, and (more recently) patents. With the Matchmaker tool, one can even copy and paste some text (e.g. a draft abstract of your next proposal) and find similar funded grants. The NIH Data Book on our RePORT website now incorporates NIH’s fiscal year 2015 data. Let’s reflect on funding trends over the past three years, and other recently updated application and award summary data. We received 52,190 competing research project grant (RPG) applications at NIH in fiscal year 2015, an increase compared to prior years, and the highest number of applications ever received by NIH in a fiscal year. Of these, 28,970 were applications for R01-equivalent grants (as a reminder, R01-equivalents are mostly R01s, but also include ac...
Source: NIH Extramural Nexus - Category: Research Authors: Tags: blog Open Mike Funding data RePORT Source Type: funding