5 Rules I Break As a Food and Body Image Coach

When I tell people I'm a food and body image coach who helps women find peace, sanity and freedom around food, I get asked a lot of questions about how to eat without feeling "crazy" around food: Is it possible to eat what you want and not put on weight? How do I eat cake and not feel guilty? What's the secret to ending the fridge and pantry binges? Is it possible to eat candy without devouring the entire bowl? How do I avoid the bread basket? Having experienced disordered eating, I know what it's like to feel out of control around food. From yo-yo dieting, to diving head first into a jar of cookies, to living off juice cleanses, to feeling guilty after eating an apple because of the "sugar." Is sugar bad or is it gluten? Am I better to eat vegan or paleo? Full-fat or low-fat? Should I cook with coconut oil or olive oil? Eating has never been so complicated. Now that I've managed to turn my "mess" into my message, there were some "rules" I had to break, all in the name of health, wellness and importantly sanity. Here are some of the "rules" I've broken along the way that have completely transformed my relationship with food and my body: 1. Follow meal plans and diets. The phrase "diet's don't work" hasn't been pulled out of thin air -- there's now a barrage of research telling us that an overwhelming number of people who diet will regain the weight in the long term. When I read research on the pitfalls of dieting I knew that I'd have a far better chance of achieving...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news