Proof Of Life

It's not that I was stressed out about being alone with the kids.  My wife had gone out of town before. It was the darn mornings.  I'm used to racing out of the house at the crack of dawn, when the rest of my family is still asleep.  My most productive hours of the day are before most people even wake up.  With my wife gone, the mornings with the kids were all mine. Accordingly, I lounged in bed an extra few minutes before dragging myself into the shower.  Unlike most mornings, there was really no rush.   The kids wouldn't be up for another half hour, at least.  When they did awake, I would busy myself with their needs: dressing, breakfast, and of course, the dreaded hair. For the next few days, managing my six year old daughter's hair was my sole responsibility.  And this terrified me more than a crashing octogenarian on life support.  Barely able to pull together my own personal appearance on a daily basis, preparing girl hair was definitely going to be a challenge. It wasn't that I hadn't been prepped.  My wife, daughter, and I had a practice session before her departure.  But we all know that anything can go wrong on game day.So there my daughter stood on a step stool as I tried valiantly to brush out the curly unruliness of sleep from the tangled tendrils.  Occasionally the brush would stick and she would protest whimperingly until I withdrew pressure.  As I had been taught, I parted the red sea evenly form...
Source: In My Humble Opinion - Category: Family Physicians Authors: Source Type: blogs