Improving Access to Eye Care among Persons at High Risk of Glaucoma

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DP-14-002 Opportunity Category: DiscretionaryFunding Instrument Type: GrantCategory of Funding Activity: HealthCFDA Number: 93.283Eligible Applicants Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)Agency Name: HHS-CDC-HHSCDCERAClosing Date: Apr 01, 2014Award Ceiling: $1,300,000Expected Number of Awards: 3Creation Date: Feb 04, 2014Funding Opportunity Description: Component A: Improving Glaucoma Detection and Management. The purpose of Component A is to conduct implementation research to effectively plan, develop, implement, and evaluate community-based interventions to improve access and utilization of eye care services to promote the detection and follow-up of glaucoma in high-risk populations. Some examples include African Americans over age 40 years, Asians, older people [aged 65+ years] especially Hispanics, those with a family history of glaucoma, and those with diabetes.The purpose of Component B is to design and refine components to establish a functional, comprehensive national glaucoma and vision health surveillance system. The aim of this research is to harmonize methods to assess vision loss, assess vision loss, activity performance, and access to eye care in national and state level surveys, promote the implementation of the surveillance system in conjunction with other public health entities, and provide data to providers and other end users for ...
Source: - Category: Research Tags: Health Source Type: funding