GSE218605 Identification of different miRNAs in Alzheimer's disease and vascular cognitive impairment and dementia

Contributors : Li Sun ; Weijie Zhai ; Meng ZhaoSeries Type : Non-coding RNA profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Homo sapiensThere are many subtypes of dementia without any minimally invasive, low-cost and efficient diagnostic biomarkers. MicroRNA (miRNA) are easily gained and accessible from patients, which may be a promising biomarker for dementia diagnosis and differential diagnosis. We make a completely expression analysis of serum miRNA from 24 participants including post-stroke cognitive impairment (PSCI) group (n=6), post-stroke non-cognitive impairment (PSCI) group, Alzheimer's Disease (AD) group (n=6) and normal control group (NC) group (n=6). Different expression miRNA (DE -miRNA) were screened by LIMMA ebayes method, Benjamini-Hochberg check and fold change (P< 0.05, |log2FC| ≥1), we construct a DE-miRNA-key gene-signaling pathway network, the roles of DE-miRNA and related genes and signaling pathways in AD and PSCI were deduced through comprehensive network construction and literature search.
Source: GEO: Gene Expression Omnibus - Category: Genetics & Stem Cells Tags: Non-coding RNA profiling by high throughput sequencing Homo sapiens Source Type: research