The dislocation of the intrauterine device (IUD) into the uterine cesarean section scar defect has a high risk of recurrence

Introduction: The uterine cesarean section scar defect causes postmenstrual uterine bleeding. The niche, particularly with a thin residual myometrium, is a risk factor of uterine rupture at the end of pregnancy and abnormal implantation of the GS or placenta in the area of the uterine scar. IUDs are an effective method of contraception and those with levonorgestrel (IUD-LND) also reduce menstrual bleeding and consequently postmenstrual bleeding. Nevertheless, the presence of a uterine scar defect is a risk factor for the IUD to dislocate into the diverticulum.
Source: European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology - Category: OBGYN Authors: Source Type: research