Satisfaction with the use of fixed orthodontic appliances in patients from Valdivia and Paillaco, 2017. Observational study
Conclusion: General satisfaction levels with orthodontic appliances increase as the orthodontic treatment extends over time. (Source: Odontoestomatologia)
Source: Odontoestomatologia - November 30, 2018 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research

Validation of a new placebo acupuncture method with potential for double blinding. Phase II: practitioner blinding
Conclusiones: El nuevo dispositivo evidenció un alto potencial de cegamiento del operador, sugiriendo que es útil para enmascarar incluso a acupunturistas experimentados.Abstract: We present a new placebo acupuncture method with potential for double-blinding. In this phase, we evaluate the possibility of blinding the practitioner. Methodology: We conducted two experimental studies using the acupuncture point of the Large Intestine 4 (LI 4) as reference. In the first study (I), three practitioners used the device on the same patient. In the second experiment (II), a single acupuncturist used this device on 12 healthy v...
Source: Odontoestomatologia - November 30, 2018 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research

Prevalence of children victims of violence in the city of Porto Alegre and impact of its variables on dentistry
Conclusion: Child violence is high in Porto Alegre, and to ensure that health professionals treat children victims of violence appropriately, it is necessary to address these cases in their academic education. (Source: Odontoestomatologia)
Source: Odontoestomatologia - November 30, 2018 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research

Oral and maxillofacial manifestations in patients with drug addiction
Resumen: El objetivo de esta investigaci ón fue caracterizar las manifestaciones bucales y maxilofaciales presentes en pacientes adictos a las drogas. Se realizó una investigación descriptiva, de campo. Se seleccionaron 32 individuos recluidos en un centro de rehabilitación localizado en el estado Zulia, Venezuela. Se realizó una encu esta y un examen clínico para determinar las manifestaciones bucales y maxilofaciales. El promedio de edad de los sujetos fue de 37,7 años, siendo la mayoría del género masculino. Las drogas consumidas con mayor frecuencia fueron el crack, seguido de cocaína y marihuana. Con respect...
Source: Odontoestomatologia - November 30, 2018 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research

Review of gutta-percha removal with manual files, xylol and Reciproc
Resumen: El tratamiento endod óntico no quirúrgico es de primera elección en el caso de fracasos endodónticos. El primer paso del retratamiento es la desobturación del conducto radicular, que va a permitir la preparación biomecánica del conducto radicular con irrigación y desinfección correcta. El protocolo de desobtura ción incluye limas manuales, solventes y una lima de uso único con movimiento alternativo como es el Reciproc. En la revisión de la literatura científica se ven las características particulares de fabricación, cinemática y función de los instrumentales y productos químicos utilizados en es...
Source: Odontoestomatologia - November 30, 2018 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research

MCM2-7 complex: a review
Resumen: La formaci ón de nuevas células se genera a partir de células preexistentes a través de una serie ordenada de eventos denominada ciclo celular. El control de este es fundamental para la integridad del genoma, por lo que hay múltiples proteínas regulando este proceso. Actualmente, se conoce que el complej o MCM2-7 tiene un rol esencial en la replicación del ADN, específicamente involucrado en la proliferación, durante el ciclo celular. La identificación inmunohistoquimica de las proteínas de este complejo a nivel tisular, podría ser una herramienta muy útil, para usarlos como biomarcadores y a sí comp...
Source: Odontoestomatologia - November 30, 2018 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research

(Source: Odontoestomatologia)
Source: Odontoestomatologia - November 30, 2018 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research

Ascher syndrome: clinical case care and treatment
We present a case report of a patient with Ascher Syndrome. It is a rare, benign disorder with few cases reported in the world. Clinically, it is an anomaly which may be either congenital or acquired, characterized by a triad: blepharochalasis, double lip (upper lip is involved more often than lower lip, although on occasion both may be involved), and nontoxic thyroid goiter. Surgical treatment may be indicated as it is a deformity that interferes with mastication and speech, and which might have aesthetic implications. (Source: Odontoestomatologia)
Source: Odontoestomatologia - May 14, 2018 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research

Case report of Basal cell adenocarcinoma of the parotid gland: clinicopathological and immunohistochemical study
The objective of this study is to identify the morphological and immunohistochemical characteristics that aid its diagnosis. A parotid tumor was resected in a 52-year-old patient; postoperative biopsy and immunostaining with Ki-67, CK19, p63 and α -smooth muscle actin were performed. The diagnosis was basal cell adenocarcinoma invading the tumor capsule, periglandular fat and lymph nodes. Immunolabeling with Ki-67, CK19, p63 and α -smooth muscle actin was positive. Subsequently, maxillary sinus metastasis was diagnosed. Given the morphological characteristics, elevated Ki-67 expression and metastasis, this is a malignant...
Source: Odontoestomatologia - May 14, 2018 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research

Skeletonized body identified by analysis of frontal sinus morphology and characteristics of osteosynthesis material: a forensic case report
This study reports a case of human identification by analyzing the morphology of the frontal sinuses and osteosynthesis material. In the anthropological assessment of skeletal remains a surgical plate used for osteosynthesis was detected in the periorbital regions. Relatives of the potential victim provided ante-mortem (AM) radiographs which revealed the presence of an osteosynthesis plate. Post-mortem (PM) imaging exams were performed to reproduce the AM data. Similarities were observed between the AM and PM radiographs, especially regarding the morphology of the frontal sinuses and the position and outline of the surgica...
Source: Odontoestomatologia - May 14, 2018 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research

Multidisciplinary rehabilitation with velopalatal obturator prosthesis: a case report
Resumen: Se presenta un caso de rehabilitaci ón, en que el paciente sufrió una pérdida de sustancia velopalatal, por resección quirúrgica de un tumor a nivel del velo del paladar (Adenocarcinoma), abordado por el Equipo Multidisciplinario del Servicio de Prótesis Buco Maxilo Facial (S.P.B.M.F.). Se establece un Protocolo de Atención, qu e incluye: la labor protésica, de la Fonoaudiología y de la Psicología, para la obtención de un tratamiento rehabilitador integral indispensable en estos casos. Se describen distintos procedimientos realizados tales como: etapas clínicas, etapas de laboratorio, registros fonoaud...
Source: Odontoestomatologia - May 14, 2018 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research

Prevalence of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders in a young population at the beginning of treatment for drug dependence
Conclusiones: La prevalencia de síntomas de TTM en una población en tratamiento por dependencia a las drogas es elevada respec to a la población general. Esto debe ser tenido en cuenta a la hora de desarrollar políticas de prevención y tratamiento.Abstract: Introduction: Drug consumption may be an etiological agent of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) which should be considered when diagnosing a patient and developing a treatment plan. Objective: To estimate the prevalence of TMD signs and symptoms in a drug-dependent population at the beginning of their admission, and to analyze possible associated factors. Materi...
Source: Odontoestomatologia - May 14, 2018 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research

Methodological quality of orthodontic clinical trials, 2012-2016
Conclusion: The methodological quality of the clinical trials in orthodontics indexed in ISI journals presented some deficiencies. Therefore, we suggest this information should b e considered to analyze its implications for orthodontics practice. (Source: Odontoestomatologia)
Source: Odontoestomatologia - May 14, 2018 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research

Morphometric characteristics of multirooted teeth and furcation area
Conclusion: The root trunk of mandibular molars is larger lingually than on the buccal aspect, as is the palatal area of maxillary molars. In maxillary molars the greater divergence angle appeared at th e entrance of the distal furcation, which is the one recommended to start using mechanical instruments. (Source: Odontoestomatologia)
Source: Odontoestomatologia - May 14, 2018 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research

Retrospective clinical study of 656 cast gold inlays/onlays in posterior teeth, in a 5 to 44-year period: Analysis of results
Conclusiones: La constante actualización del conocimiento, responsabilidad ética del profesional, le permitirá intr oducir los cambios conceptuales y clínicos a la luz de las nuevas evidencias científicas.Abstract: Objective: 1) To assess the clinical performance of 656 cast gold inlay/onlays in a 44-year period; 2) To analyze their indications and distribution regarding the evolution of scientific evidence. Materials and Methods: A total of 656 cast gold inlays/onlays had been placed in 100 patients. Out of 2552 registered patients, 210 fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The statistical representative sample was ...
Source: Odontoestomatologia - May 14, 2018 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research