Psychosocial impact of periodontal disease on the quality of life of patients of the school of dentistry (Udelar). A qualitative-quantitative study
Conclusiones: Existe una limitación en el enfoque biomédico en la atención de pacientes odontológicos, y por tanto la necesidad de realizar un abordaje integral en pacientes con enfermedad periodontal. Los profesionales odontólogos deben tener un enfoque biopsicosocial en la atención d ebido a la complejidad que presenta la enfermedad periodontal.Resumo Objetivos: Identificar os aspectos psicossociais da doen ça periodontal e sua incidência na qualidade de vida das pessoas que sofrem com a doença. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo quantitativo e qualitativo misto. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: entrevista ...
Source: Odontoestomatologia - April 27, 2021 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research

Follow up protocol in proliferative multifocal leukoplakia to avoid malignant transformation. A case report
This study aims to report a case of PML and its evolution, highlighting the importance of clinical monitoring through comprehensive follow-up protocols. A 75-year-old female with multiple keratotic and verrucous lesions with a proliferative growth pattern throughout the oral mucosa. The biopsies and the clinical context allowed clinicians to diagnose it as PML. The patient adhered to a strict protocol and so far has no carcinomatous lesions. This report highlights the careful monitoring of patients with PML to achieve early detection of oral squamous cell carcinoma and, consequently, improve prognosis. (Source: Odontoestomatologia)
Source: Odontoestomatologia - December 4, 2020 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research

Dental care for a pediatric patient with neurofibromatosis type 1: a clinical case report
Resumen Este relato de caso cl ínico presenta a una niña de 7 años de edad, con diagnóstico de neurofibromatosis tipo 1, que fue atendida en la clínica de Odontología para Pacientes con Necesidades Especiales de la Facultad de Odontología de la UFRGS. Al examen físico se observó neurofibroma plexiforme que afectaba el pá rpado superior del ojo derecho, que causaba ptosis, pérdida de visión y asimetría facial. Además, manchas color café con leche y pecas en la piel. Al examen clínico bucal, se observó atresia de la arcada dentaria superior, lesiones de caries dental activas y presencia generalizada de biope...
Source: Odontoestomatologia - December 4, 2020 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research

Bone regeneration as an example of tissue engineering in dentistry, with an emphasis on the development of scaffolds
Conclusiones: Los andamios son los que brindan mayor oferta para su uso y la elección de cada uno de ellos no depende del material en sí mismo.Resumo: A engenharia de tecidos é uma área científica multidisciplinar cujo objetivo é restaurar, substituir e aumentar as atividades funcionais dos tecidos orgânicos. Objetivos: O objetivo deste trabalho é revisar a literatura sobre engenharia de tecidos no nível da área bucomaxilofacial. Métodos: Foi realizada uma p esquisa bibliográfica no portals PubMed MEDLINE, Google Scholar, e LILACS, utilizando os termos “ c élulas-tronco, regeneração óssea e fatores ...
Source: Odontoestomatologia - December 4, 2020 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research

Variations in heart rate, body temperature and blood pressure in patients undergoing dental implant surgery
Conclusion: The main variations were found from the intraoperative to the postoperative moment in terms of heart rate, mean, systolic, and diastolic blood pressure. Therefore, these are relevant parameters for clinical consideration. (Source: Odontoestomatologia)
Source: Odontoestomatologia - December 4, 2020 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research

Oral Health and Non communicable Diseases in patients of a higher education institution, Montevideo, Uruguay 2016. Part 1
Conclusiones: En función de las prevalencias elevadas de varios factores de riesgo, se recomienda la instalación de un programa preventivo-educativo en las salas de espera de la Facultad.Resumo As doen ças não transmissíveis (DNT) compartem fatores de risco comportamentais e metabólicos com as doenças bucais, as duas representam um problema de saúde pública. Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência DNT e os fatores de risco comportamentais e metabólicos em pessoas que concorreram à Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade da República. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo transversal, onde foi aplicado um questio...
Source: Odontoestomatologia - December 4, 2020 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research

Perception of the oral health status of drug-dependent individuals
Conclusiones: Las personas jóvenes en tratamiento por dependencia a las drogas perciben el deterioro de su salud bucal a partir de la situación de consumo, alterando la estética, las funciones orales, la autoestima y la calidad de vida.Abstract General objective: To determine the perception of adolescents and young adults regarding drug abuse as a result of drug dependence. Materials and methods: a qualitative research model was proposed. The theoretical sample by saturation included adolescents and young adults treated at Portal Amarillo. Inclusion criteria: a) aged between 15 and 24, b) in treatment for drug use...
Source: Odontoestomatologia - December 4, 2020 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research

Profile of oral squamous cell carcinoma at the Anatomic Pathology Laboratory of the School of Dentistry of Universidad de la República, 1982-2015 period
This study aimed to determine the profile of this pathology at the Laboratory of Anatomic Pathology of the School of Dentistry of Universidad de la Rep ública between 1982 and 2015. A retrospective, cross-sectional, analytical study was conducted. Statistical analysis performed using the Cox model, Fisher ’ s exact test, and the Kaplan-Meier method. Of 207 cases, 59.9% were men and 98.5% older than 40. It is usually located on the tongue, with a predominance of histopathologically well and moderately differentiated carcinomas. There was an association between histopathological grade, gender, and age, with an average sur...
Source: Odontoestomatologia - December 4, 2020 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research

Need for orthodontic treatment in schoolchildren aged 11 to 12 at the Mariscal Gamarra Educational Institution in the city of Cusco - Peru, 2019
Conclusion: Almost half the students did not need any treatment as reported after the health professional exam. On the other hand, three out of four students showed no need for orthodontic treatment. (Source: Odontoestomatologia)
Source: Odontoestomatologia - December 4, 2020 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research

Comparative effect of aerobic physical activity and occlusal stabilization appliances on musculoskeletal orofacial pain in individuals with temporomandibular disorders
This study evaluated the efficacy of aerobic physical activity (APA) in managing musculoskeletal orofacial pain in individuals with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) compared to treatment with an occlusal stabilization appliance (OSA). Volunteers with musculoskeletal pain aged between 18 and 40 and with bimaxillary teeth involved. The analog verbal scale was used to evaluate the pain variable. Each treatment group included seven individuals evaluated for eight (APA) and six (OSA) weeks, respectively. APA showed a significant weekly decrease of 0.155 points in pain measurement. As for the OSA, the trend was even stronger th...
Source: Odontoestomatologia - December 4, 2020 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research

Oral health-related quality of life in Perúvian children with severe early childhood caries
Conclusion: Parental perception of oral health-related quality of life was negatively affected by severe early childhood caries in children at a Per úvian health institute. (Source: Odontoestomatologia)
Source: Odontoestomatologia - December 4, 2020 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research

(Source: Odontoestomatologia)
Source: Odontoestomatologia - December 4, 2020 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research

Informed consent
(Source: Odontoestomatologia)
Source: Odontoestomatologia - June 24, 2020 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research

Dental assitance in Removable Prosthodontics against the pandemic COVID-19
(Source: Odontoestomatologia)
Source: Odontoestomatologia - June 24, 2020 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research

Restorative Dentistry protocol for the health emergency COVID-19
(Source: Odontoestomatologia)
Source: Odontoestomatologia - June 24, 2020 Category: Dentistry Source Type: research