For The Cultural Notion Of What It Means To Have ADHD To Significantly Shift
Post from: Adult ADD Strengths #11. This post is a part of a series where people answer my anonymous survey question. If you have ADHD but haven’t gone public with it, what would it take to you go public with ADHD? There are risks and rewards for going public with ADHD AND for staying hidden in the ADHD closet. See this post for context on the series. “For the cultural notion of what it means to have ADHD to significantly shift. Ie. for people to think something other than that people with ADHD were brought up by lazy parents who sat them in front of the television/Playstation; for people to stop thinking exclusive...
Source: Adult ADD Strengths - March 11, 2013 Category: Psychiatrists and Psychologists Authors: Pete Quily Tags: What Would It Take To Go Public With ADHD? Source Type: blogs