An Empowerment Model for Individuals with Chronic Tinnitus

Conclusion: Tolerance of tinnitus requires finding balance between limiting one’s social participation and spontaneity in carrying out meaningful activities. Tolerance can be enhanced by the preservation of one’s energy and the mediating role of enjoyment through the fulfillment of gratifying goals. In patient counseling, it is essential to address the individual’s desire for direct relief from tinnitus through its elimination. Individuals should be made aware that such a desire will likely be thwarted, resulting in the worsening of intrusiveness. Improvement in tolerance is accompanied by the attenuation of niggling self-awareness, a change that is typical of full commitment with valued goals and that helps in alleviating the interference of tinnitus. By understanding the role of frustration, individuals may develop a sense of responsibility in dealing with disabling tinnitus.
Source: Ear and Hearing - Category: Audiology Tags: Research Article Source Type: research