Physical activity and health in Chinese children and adolescents: expert consensus statement (2020).

Physical activity and health in Chinese children and adolescents: expert consensus statement (2020). Br J Sports Med. 2020 May 29;: Authors: Chen P, Wang D, Shen H, Yu L, Gao Q, Mao L, Jiang F, Luo Y, Xie M, Zhang Y, Feng L, Gao F, Wang Y, Liu Y, Luo C, Nassis GP, Krustrup P, Ainsworth BE, Harmer PA, Li F Abstract China is experiencing significant public health challenges related to social and demographic transitions and lifestyle transformations following unprecedented economic reforms four decades ago. Of particular public health concern is the fourfold increase in overweight and obesity rates in the nation's youth population, coupled with the low prevalence of adolescents meeting recommended levels of physical activity. Improving the overall health of China's more than 170 million children and adolescents has become a national priority. However, advancing nationwide health initiatives and physical activity promotion in this population has been hampered by the lack of a population-specific and culturally relevant consensus on recommendations for achieving these ends. To address this deficiency and inform policies to achieve Healthy China 2030 goals, a panel of Chinese experts, complemented by international professionals, developed this consensus statement. The consensus was achieved through an iterative process that began with a literature search from electronic databases; in-depth reviews, conducted by a steering committee, of t...
Source: British Journal of Sports Medicine - Category: Sports Medicine Authors: Tags: Br J Sports Med Source Type: research