An unusual presentation of Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease.

We describe a 34-year-old African-American female who presented with constitutional symptoms and polyadenopathy on clinical examination and imaging, of which the portacaval and portahepatis lymph nodes were most prominent. An extensive workup was otherwise unremarkable, and biopsy showed histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis. Initially, her clinical condition improved spontaneously, and she required only a short course of oral steroids. Three months later, she relapsed with bilateral cervical adenopathy and constitutional symptoms and was successfully managed again with steroids. Our case is unique with respect to (a) portahepatis and portacaval node enlargement as the dominant adenopathy and (b) her underlying conditions of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. PMID: 24830120 [PubMed - in process]
Source: Connecticut Medicine - Category: Journals (General) Authors: Tags: Conn Med Source Type: research