and he's back

after being gone 6 weeks. I am truly struggling this time to acclimate myself to life with him. It is not easy. OK - it has been extremely hard.I wonder if it's because we are both getting older. I wonder if it's because the marriage just isn't working. I wonder.....It's the tiniest things that drive me up the wall. He said, "did you get rid of my laundry basket?" I said, "no, it's in your closet." He said, "no, it's not here."So I put down what I'm working on, get up, walk to his bedroom, look in the closet and point to the laundry basket. He said, "that's no it." So I pick it up, take it out of the closet, set it on the bed and he says, "oh, it is!"What the heck????I pulled into the garage tonight and parked where I always do. When I went to open the door, I saw that a drawer on the tool chest had been left wide open. It sits right where I open the car door. I had to back up, get out, close the drawer, then pull up again.He couldn't close a drawer???He has an old DVD player (huge as it was one of the first ones out) and he wanted me to store it for him. I asked why? He said, "We've only had it 3 or 4 years, I just don't want to get rid of it." I said, "In May, it will be 5 years since we moved into this house and you had it at least 5 years in the last house. That makes it 10 years old!!!"He has lost all concept of time!None of this is anything major, but when it is 3, 4, 5, 6 times every h...
Source: Wife of a Diabetic - Category: Endocrinology Source Type: blogs