Health Information Technology Capacity Building for the Integration of Medicaid and Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Data

Funding Opportunity ID: 290884 Opportunity Number: HRSA-17-045 Opportunity Title: Health Information Technology Capacity Building for the Integration of Medicaid and Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program DataOpportunity Category: DiscretionaryOpportunity Category Explanation: Funding Instrument Type: GrantCategory of Funding Activity: HealthCategory Explanation: Number(s): 93.928Eligible Applicants: Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)Additional Information on Eligibility: Eligible applicants include current recipients of record funded under RWHAP Part B Grants to States and Territories, and non-profit entities. Applications from non-profit entities are acceptable so long as the roles and responsibilities of the State and the non-profit entity are specified in a formal written agreement. The formal written agreement (Attachment 10) must be signed by both an authorized representative of the nonprofit entity and the current recipient chief elected official.  A non-profit applicant’s failure to meet the eligibility requirement of a formal written agreement with the State/Territory will result in HRSA dismissing the application without review and precluding HRSA from making an award. Only one application may be submitted per State/Territory.  Either the RWHAP Part B funded recip...
Source: - Category: Research Tags: Health Source Type: funding