Would My Son With Severe Autism Disorder Be Happier If I Had Listened to Robison, Ne'eman, Silberman & Other Strangers?

The picture above was taken a few days ago.  I believe anyone can look at the picture and see the happiness on my 19 year old severely autistic son Conor's face.   What is truly remarkable is that his happiness has been a constant feature of his life despite the very severe challenges that he faces with severe autism, intellectual disability (like 50% of persons with autism), epileptic seizures, life threatening adverse reactions to some seizure meds and self injurious behaviors.  What is perhaps even more remarkable is that Conor's happiness has been a constant in his life even without his parents listening to or giving any weight whatsoever to the opinions of self annointed autism experts like John Elder Robison, Ari Ne'eman, Shannon Des Roches Rosa, Jim Sinclair, Michelle Dawson, Steve Silberman or any of the other persons who attack parents for speaking honestly about their child's severe autism disorders and who actually support efforts to find cures and treatment for their autism disorders. The following are pictures of my happy son Conor thoughout his life although not in chronological order. We didn't follow or need the advice of the army of neurodiversity activists who are actually arrogant enough to believe that they know better than parents how to raise, care for and love their own children.  I have never hidden my disdain for their attempts to impose their so called self advocacy on other people's children. When I see my son who strug...
Source: Facing Autism in New Brunswick - Category: Child Development Authors: Source Type: blogs