Spiritual Psychology and... Money?

One of the most frequent questions we are asked is: “What is the relationship, if any, between Spirituality and money.” Obviously, it’s not a direct correlation since if it were, the most Spiritually advanced people would be the richest—and we know experientially that’s simply not so, unless of course, you define Mother Teresa as a terribly low achiever Spiritually, living and serving the way she did among the poorest of the poor. On the other hand, there are people who have accumulated great wealth and use that wealth largely for the benefit of others. Sir John Templeton comes to mind. The fact is that we live in a very unusual time, where change is happening at an ever-increasing rate. And if you happened to be a person from the planet Mars who had just landed here on Earth, judging by what you see in the news, as well as by the way most people here live their lives, you would likely conclude that the accumulation of as much wealth as possible was an extremely important part of human existence. And, in a sense, you'd be accurate—up to a certain point. This brings us to what we refer to as Money Myths—ideas that many people have that directly impact their relationship with money. Let’s consider some of them. The first Money Myth has to do with the rampant confusion between standard of living and quality of life. Many people believe that the higher their standard of living becomes, the greater quality of life they will experie...
Source: Healthy Living - The Huffington Post - Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news