The interview before transferring to a new doctor

Today I met a man who wanted to interview me before transferring his records. He was about my age and seemed polite and pleasant enough. He told me his doctor of a dozen years had started to taper him off his long-term narcotics after he reported some of them missing because of theft. He used to take the equivalent of about 1,200 mg of morphine per day for his back pain. Our office classifies anything over 120 mg of morphine as a high-risk dose. He left that practice and transferred his care to a hospital run clinic across his hometown. His next doctor at first prescribed him the medications, and then quickly begun tapering him off them. The story was a little vague as to exactly why. Continue reading ... Your patients are rating you online: How to respond. Manage your online reputation: A social media guide. Find out how.
Source: Kevin, M.D. - Medical Weblog - Category: Journals (General) Authors: Tags: Physician Pain management Primary care Source Type: blogs